•[ things are going to get ugly... ]•

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"...she always visits me at lunch, why is she even their.." he muttered a bit, seeing his girlfriend laugh away with another guy. 'What if..' he thought a bit worried but shook his head. 'It's probably nothing'. He stopped thinking hearing Richard.

"Why don't you go visit her then, this time" Richard said, wondering why she the one who always has go to visit him. Bryce looked at Richard as if he was crazy. "Uhm hello?, and make it look like I'm the clingy one?" Making a motion with his paw. "I'm Bryce hayes. I don't go to girls...girls come to me" he murmured smirking slightly as he remembered sleeping with some behind Melissa back. Before grabbing his bottle and swirling the water inside it a bit. "Besides it would look to clingy if I went up to her like that-" he tired saying, only for Alex to gasp at seeing his girlfriend as one of the members moved away.

"BABY!" He yelled, running towards her. Making his shepherd girlfriend look towards him surprised. hearing him yell. She gasped a bit, before Alex started making out with her. She couldn't help but slowly kiss him back.
Bryce and Richard just watched with blank expressions. "...did I just really just witness that.." he looked more annoyed then ever.


Tom laughed died down from laughing from one her savannah jokes, he looked at her smiling softly bit. "I have to go to the washroom ok?" getting up, making savannah nod at him. "Yea no problem" as she couldn't help but smile at him.
"K" he smiled back at her, before walking out of the cafeteria. Bryce watched as Tom left, before an idea appeared in his head. "Wait...I have a plan.." he smirked evilly getting up to follow Tom. Making Richard stare at him a bit confused.

"What is it...?" Not really liking the look he had on his face. "Tell you later" before walking after Tom. Leaving Richard their a bit worried at what he was going to do.

"Hey tommy!" bryce said quickly walking towards him, as Tom stopped looking back to see who called him. Bryce stopped in front of him. "Uh hey..Bryce" Tom said a bit hesitantly wondering what he wanted.

"Uh you need something?" Asked tom.

"Yea, look Tom I really need to talk to you..." Bryce said looking at him blankly.

"Uh ok...sure" Tom said a bit worried, what he wanted him to do now.


Savannah laughed with Gabriel. Before hearing a cough behind her, she stopped looking behind her seeing leon standing their a little annoyed.

She gasped a bit. "L-leon I'm so sorry!" Getting up, as she forgot he was standing their this whole time. Gabriel looked behind him also wincing, realizing he forgot about leon standing their. "No no it's ok...don't bother.." leon muttered looking away from them. Annoyed he had to stand there this whole lunch hour.

Savannah had a look of guilt on her face. "Leon-" she tried saying softly. But he just shook his head "I already said 'don't bother'..." looking at her a bit annoyed now. She recoiled back in shock before looking away sadly nodding. Gabriel quietly coughed at the awkward aura.

"It's uhm 5 minutes before class...just saying" gabe said, making savannah and leon look at him.

Leon just rolled his eyes, before nodding.
"Right let's go..." he muttered walking off.

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