My story, His glory.

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You may of heard the phrase "Write the story you don't want to write." It turns out most of those stories are people's favorites because they are raw and real and come from the heart. They are vulnerable, unique and sometimes poetic.
So here I am with my soul laid bare. I didn't want to write my story, I was afraid of being judged, afraid that no one shared the same struggles, afraid because telling this story brings my emotions to the surface. I'm not the type to bare my heart or at least I wasn't. Instead I built a wall to protect it and only occasionally revealed jt to someone who made me feel safe. But even that was rare. However I am growing and healing and the healing process hurts. I welcome that pain with open arms because it means I am feeling something that is real, it means I am alive with a heart and a soul. I welcome that pain because it means I can share at least a little of what my savior Jesus felt. Why would I want to feel pain you may ask least of all why would I love Jesus so much I would want to suffer with Him, share my story and risk getting hurt by others thoughts? I'm still coming to realize that in my mind myself but my heart already knows. It's because it's the least I can do for Him when He did everything and more for me. What is my story you may ask? My story is of redemption, healing, pain, loss, heartbreak, grace, mercy, and unending love. Its how I fell in love with my true prince, Christ Jesus.

Thank you for being here. Please continue following along with my story and journey! I pray and trust it can help someone.
🤍 JN

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