Moreover, there was no mention about a kiss of any sort from Luna. She looked and felt the same as before. Surely she couldn't have done that. Surely the realism was just his mind playing tricks on him.

He could not take his mind off this thought, but he could not bring himself to ask Luna about it and confirm/ deny any of his suspicions.

"Are you... alright?" Luna asked him, avoiding her gaze slightly, "you look... tired."

She was right, in fact, for he had not been getting enough sleep due to all the worries he had on his mind. Worries about the ambiguous Luna situation, worries about the conference, worries about Team Alpha and Omega still in pursuit... it was frankly impossible for him to catch a single wink of sleep.

"It's fine," he said instead, lying straight to her face. He didn't want her to worry, and he didn't want her to know either. He wasn't sure what to answer Luna at all. He sort of wanted to redeem himself, but he didn't know how to.

He was an absolute, chaotic mess.

Luna took a glance at him, then held his hand. Her hand was small in his. It was also soft and warm.

There was a certain sadness in her gaze.

"It's cold..." she said softly, "your hand."  

Axel simultaneously wanted to pull away immediately and not let go. He did in fact like the feeling of her hand in his. Before he could do or say anything, Luna let go.

"Sorry... is that... inappropriate—" she apologized, "did I make you uncomfortable?"

He couldn't help but to feel a slight disappointment.

Of course that's how it is. Of course she doesn't look at me that way.


The conference location was an actual conference hall, and Axel could recognize a lot of distinguished researchers in the lobby. Normally, he would be excited to meet them all, but given his circumstances, he didn't dare to look up and meet their eye. In fact, the very moment Axel saw Professor Sycamore, he instinctively looked the other way.

So far, he had FAILED his mission, NEGLECTED his duties, IGNORED everyone's calls and the professor's orders and advice,  (temporarily) ABANDONED the gym challenge, irresponsibly LEFT his Pokemon, then stubbornly gone off on his own.

That was a terribly long list.

He was DEFINITELY getting terminated and going back to Pallet Town after all this.

He didn't know what to say. He could hear the professor approaching him. Axel took a deep breath as he looked up to meet Professor Sycamore's eyes.

"I'm sorry—"

Before he could continue his apology speech, Professor Sycamore pulled him into a hug, his arm around his head, "I'm glad you're alright."

Axel forgot what he was going to say right away. He just slowly closed his mouth and stood there quietly.

Professor Sycamore looked at the young boy with a smile, patting his head, "Don't force everything upon yourself. You're just 12. We're a whole team, so please have some faith in us as well and don't go running off by yourself next time, promise?"                                                 

Axel nodded somberly as Professor Sycamore let go of him.

"Yo!" Kace bumped into Axel with his shoulder playfully, "nice haircut! Finally not looking like a Tangela, huh?"

"Was it that bad?" Axel frowned, quickly running his fingers through his hair self consciously.

"You made a move on her yet?" Bonnie whispered into his ear, startling Axel, who jolted upright.

Kalos Quest (Vol.4): FinaleWhere stories live. Discover now