PROLOGUE: Baby Blue Dial Phone

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Michael... Michael Joe Jackson.. that name I loved so dear for as long as I can remember.

I remember the first time I ever saw Michael on television, it was like watching magic. I was eleven, sitting on the living room couch, my parents in their arm chairs, watching The Ed Sullivan Show. One of the many variety shows that were popular on the three major broadcast networks at the time.

We had the radio and the records, but nothing was like seeing someone perform live, right there on your living room television. It was extraordinary.

It was a Sunday night, and they always aired the best shows then, it wasn't until December 14, 1969, in this particular show, where my life changed forever.

It was the first time I was hearing of a young boy, named Michael Jackson, and The Jackson Five. My parents didn't know anything about the group, so they had no clue as to what to expect. Naturally, seeing a group this young, especially one of the members being as little and young as I was, appear on a big television show was new and definitely, very interesting to behold.

I was enamored, my eyes glued to the television.. completely ignoring my mother yelling at me to not get so close to the screen so I don't hurt my eyes.

I've seen so many groups before, but the Jackson Five .. my were they different, it was a group of young men who had their own sound, and were uberpopular because of it.

I remember seeing them, dancing and singing their way across the stage, and they sounded so different from any other group that was out at the time.

They looked different, too. They were wearing these wild outfits which prompted my parents to be shocked when they first saw them, but of course I didn't mind! I admired them so much, especially during a time where people weren't so nice to others still.

The one who attracted me the most, was the boy named Michael. That voice, that high-pitched voice that seemed to float over the music, that could carry the entire song by itself, was unlike anything I'd ever heard before. It was impressive.. so much, that I started to learn how to sing because of him.

That voice was that same gentle yet powerful voice that would change my life for the better, and carried me through my years of childhood into my teenage years.

As time went on, The Jackson Five grew in popularity, and soon, Michael was the main focus of the group.

The year was 1978, and I was a teenager lost in the rhythm of life. School days were a whirlwind of assignments and homework, as I was a senior in high school, but it was the music that made it all worthwhile. My love for the Jackson 5, and in particular, the enigmatic Michael Jackson, consumed my world.

Every afternoon after school, I would rush home to my cozy bedroom, painted a calming shade of a pale blue. A faded poster of the Jackson 5 hung proudly above my desk, their dazzling smiles lighting up my little sanctuary. My baby blue dial phone, the lifeline to the outside world, sat beside my record player. It was through this portal that I clung to the music that made my heart race.

The Jacksons had recently emerged from the shadow of Motown, and their new sound was electrifying. My hope was to see them live, to catch a glimpse of the young man who had stolen my heart through the airwaves.

This particular afternoon, the anticipation was palpable. I had heard a radio contest announcement earlier that day; the prize – tickets to see The Jacksons live in concert. My heart raced as I dialed the station's number. The phone rang, and the radio host's voice, smooth and enthusiastic, filled my room.

"Hello, caller! You're on the air. What's your name?"

My voice trembled as I replied, "It's me, Y/N." I could hardly contain my excitement.

The radio host continued, "Y/N, we're giving away tickets to see The Jacksons today, and you're in luck! Are you ready for a chance to win?"

My heart pounded like a drumbeat, matching the rhythm of my favorite Jackson 5 songs. "Yes, yes, I'm ready!" I exclaimed.

The host explained the rules, and my fingers danced on the phone, trying to answer the trivia questions as quickly as they were thrown at me. Minutes felt like hours as we went through the rounds. Then came the final question: "For the grand prize, Y/N, name all the original members of The Jackson 5."

I took a deep breath and rattled off their names, "Michael, Jermaine, Tito, Jackie, and Marlon."

There was a pause, and then the radio host's voice boomed with excitement. "Y/N, you've just won tickets to see The Jacksons live in concert! But wait, there's more. You're also getting backstage passes to meet the band!"

I couldn't believe my ears. My hands shook as I clutched the phone. Tears welled up in my eyes as the host congratulated me and explained how to claim my prize. It felt like a dream, an impossible dream that had just come true.

As I hung up the phone, I couldn't contain my joy. I danced around my room, my heart overflowing with elation. I was going to meet The Jacksons, and most importantly, Michael Jackson, my childhood crush, my muse.

That evening, I lay in bed, unable to sleep, with the image of Michael Jackson dancing in my head. The sound of his music and the anticipation of the upcoming concert filled every fiber of my being. It was a moment that would define my teenage years, a moment that would stay with me forever...

...and it was all thanks to fate, luck, and the magic of that radio call on my baby blue dial phone.

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