Chapter 24

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"James you have to go." I tell him in between kisses. My dad and Laura will be home soon and they can't see him leaving through the window or I'll never hear the end of it. "Just one more." He says before putting his lips back on mine. "Love you." He says smiling as he opens the window and leaves. I sit back down on my bed and read a book for English class trying to stop my blushing. Then I hear a knock on my door and Emily's voice. The smile fades. What does she want?

"Hey riley can I come in?" She asks. I brace myself and put the book back in my side table. "What Emily?" I ask her as she opens the door. She walks over and sits on the foot of my bed. "I need to talk to you. I know it's long overdue, but you have to understand how hard this is on me." She says. "How hard this is for you!? My god Emily do you ever think about someone other than yourself!" I tell her. "You had sex with the guy who harassed me! You comforted me that night! And you expect me to feel bad for you that your facing the consequences?" I can't believe my sister right now. "It was a mistake ok! I'm sorry!" She says, with tears streaming down her face. "I don't know what else to say! And yeah this hasn't been easy for me. All my friends left me, Lucas told every I'm a slut, and I have to come back here and pretend everything's fine in front of dad and Laura. I know I fucked up, but I just want my life back!" I wipe a tear away with the sleeve of James's hoodie I have on. "I just want to be sisters again." She tells me, her voice calming down. I look at her, before scooting over and hugging her. She digs her head into my neck and cries. I want her back too. I want her to be my older sister again. I want to forget about all of this. It's too much pain for both of us.

Laura drove me to school the next day like normal. Not before I said bye to Emily though. It's really nice to be back to normal. And I got a lot of compliments today, it's my first day at school without the brace. But the highlight was seeing James, as usual. While we're walking to lunch James is particularly slow, and won't stop checking on my leg. "James I'm fine, we can pick up the pace." I assure him. "I just don't want you to put to much stress on it." "It was in a brace for months, it's ok." I tell him as we reach the lunch table and sit down beside each other, our hands still intertwined. "Where's Eldon?" He asks the table. "Off with Michelle. They became official on Monday Riley." West informs me. "Good for Eldon, Michelle's really nice."

We're all talking and laughing when w comes over to our table. Stephanie and Tiffany's smiles fade and they look at me. "It's fine guys." I tell them as I motion for Emily to sit next to me. "Hey." She says to the group but they don't respond. I guess it'll take a little bit for them to warm back up to her. I just hope since I forgave her, they can too.

I'm walking out of the gym after football practice in 7th period when I feel a touch on my back. I turn around and see Amanda. I look at her expecting an explanation to why she's approaching me. "Hey Jamie, I gotta talk to you." She says twirling her hair. "I don't have time for you Amanda." I tell her, trying to walk away. "Your gonna want to make time then." She says. Her tone shifts from flirty to stern, grabbing my attention. I  just happened to be in your neighborhood yesterday, and saw something really interesting." She tells me holding up her phone with a picture of me and Riley making out in her room. "What the bell Amanda! Are you stalking me or something?" Why is she taking pictures of me and my girlfriend. "Your gonna want to break it off with your little girlfriend." She says. "Why would I do that?" "Because if you don't, I'm sending this picture to her dad and she'll get sent off to live with her mother." She threatens. I'm speechless. Amanda's had a crush on me for a while, but I never thought she would go to such measures. I look at the picture, and then at her face. Her vengeful, scheming face. I don't know what to do next.

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