Chapter 14

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I'm laying in James's bed with his arms wrapped around my waist and my eyes resting. They've been sore and red from crying. My parents told me and Emily today that they are getting a divorce. My moms gonna go live with some man whore she's been cheating on my dad with, and my dads gonna stay here and continue at his new job. It's not them splitting up that upsets me. They've never acted like a couple. I've never seen them in love. It's really not that shocking that this is happening. It's how my mother continued their relationship and started a new one along the way. I couldn't stand to look at her. I came over to James's house and explained everything to him and his mom. He's the only light in my life right now. I don't know what I would do without him and his family. I got lots of hugs from Piper and Amelia. I wish I could stay in this home forever. This is a family. Comfort and love fills the walls. But I have to go back next door eventually.

I rub my swollen eyes and turn around so I'm facing James. He takes his hand off my back and hold my hand. "I should just stay here forever. This is the family I want, not what's next door." I tell him. He chuckles and moves hand to my cheek. "I wish you could to. But you it doesn't work like that." He responds. "You have to face what's hard before you can get to the good. But you will get there. Everything will work out eventually riles." He pulls me closer and I rest my head on his chest closing my eyes once again.

The next couple days I wasn't at school. My mom was moving back to our old town and we had to help her move into her apartment with her boyfriend. He has blonde curly hair, a short beard and tattoos going down his arms. It disgusts me being in the same room as him. I've obviously begged to stay here with my dad. Emily too since she's gonna graduate in may and she'll be moving out for college soon anyways. My dad made us come to help since we're "still family." I don't understand how he can be ok being in the same room as my mom, that pig, and mostly how he can force me and em to be in the same room as them. I'd much rather be at James's house, but I know I don't have a choice.

It's been a couple weeks since they got their divorce and I've been spending the night at James's house almost every night. My dad called me and em down stairs. I put down my homework after hearing the voice from the kitchen and went down. I see my dad standing my the kitchen island with a women with long dark hair and green eyes.
I've never seen her before, I'm really confused to why she's here. Em follows me down the stairs and we take a seat. "Hey girls is like you to meet Laura." My dad says as the women smiles and waves her hand. Me and em both look at each other confused. "She is my girlfriend. She will be moving in with us." He finishes. My eyes widen. I mean it's great that my dad found someone, but the divorce finalized like a month ago, and he's moving in with another women?

"Umm wow dad don't you think it's a little fast?" Emily asks noticing I'm at a loss for words. "Laura and I are in love honey, and we're adults, we can make this decision on our own." He responds. "I just wanted you to meet her you can get to know her better another time ok?" He says excusing us and we both start to walk away. "Um Riley, can we talk to you though?" He says. I turn around and sit back down. What could he have to say to me.

"We feel like you spend to much time next door. You sleep over there every night, it's not appropriate. We want you here after school so Laura can get to know you better." My dad says and Laura nodding as if she has a say. "You can't expect us to play dumb, we know what teenage couples do when their alone in a bedroom." Laura says. I really don't know where she gets the nerve. Acting like she has so much authority when she just got here. And I'm not stupid we don't do anything bad. "He's my boyfriend dad. And what do you expect, this place is hell." "Language." Laura says looking at me sternly. I roll my eyes and look at her. "I'm sorry but why do you think you have a say. Your not my parent. I met you five seconds ago." I tell her, over it. "Riley don't talk to her like that!" My dad tells me. "You really wonder why I spend so much time there? I get treated like crap here! You and this random lady trying to tell me I can't see my boyfriend! They are more my family than you are right now." I say grabbing my phone from the counter and walking out the front door to go to James's house.

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