Chapter 17

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School ended a couple hours ago and I'm sitting on my bed reading a book that was assigned for English. I'm in one of James's shirts that he left over here back before my parents divorce. I'm a lot smaller than him so it's awfully baggy on me. But it's comforting. Makes me feel closer to him, especially during a time like this. All of a sudden I hear a thud on my window. I assume it's James throwing something on the glass to get my attention, but when I look it's James himself. I put the book down, take off my glasses, and go open the window to let him in. "How did you climb up here?" I ask him while he climbs through and into my room. "Jumped from the gate to the tree, it's really not that hard." "James if my dad or his girlfriend find you up here I'll never hear the end of it." "That's why we'll be quiet." He says walking past me smiling and jumping onto my bed. I smile back and walk to bed as well. I get the book off and put my glasses back in their case before getting into bed with him.

We watch one of our favorite movies and cuddle. It's been forever since got to do this. "I've missed this." I tell him. "I have too." He says looking down at me and smiling. I think for a second and remember this would be the perfect time to talk to him about something. I sit up on my bed and tuck a light brown strand of hair behind my ear. "James I really feel like we should talk." I say while my smile fades. He slightly changes his position on the bed once he senses it's serious.

"I feel like we're drifting away from each other. I mean this is the first time we've hung out outside of school in weeks. And lunch at school is only thirty minutes. Things are changing, but I don't want it too. I want the old us back." I admit to him. He thinks, leaving us sitting in silence for a little bit. "Riley people change, things change. You can't be mad at that." He says. He pulls me into his chest and kisses my forehead. "I'll always be here for you. No matter what your dad thinks of me, or what his girlfriend thinks of me." His words are always so comforting. "We can't let the boundaries they enforced hurt what we have, ok?" I nod in response. I place my head on his chest and close my eyes, trying to soak up every second of the embrace. "Plus I don't think the me from 6 months ago realizes just how much he loves you." He tells me. "I love you more." I say as I look up at him. He holds my cheek and kisses my lips. I know we'll always be together through thick and thin. I will never love anyone as much as I love James.

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