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(A/N: use the music linked above while reading the first part)

You may wonder why I joined the Ghostbuster agency, even though I'm terrified of spirits. However, my excitement about them outweighs my fears.. two, I haven't told my parents yet, but I believe they will never support my decision. Let me take you back to the beginning.

I remember the day when my friend Shweta and I decided to use the Ouija board. We couldn't resist the temptation of attempting to communicate with the other side.

Listen closely, because I'm only going to say this once.

Under no circumstances should you buy or attempt to make a Ouija board. It's recommended that you stay away from it altogether.

We found it on an eBay clone site. Seemed quite legit. Shweta ordered it. After it arrived, we read all the websites we could find on or about using a Ouija board. Bought candles, black, white and violet. Salt. Flash Light. We made all the preparations.

We got our hands on the keys to the empty flat on the third floor. It had just been empty for years now, so we thought it would be a good place.

It was evening. 6oclock we entered the flat and locked it from the inside. The empty room carried an air of uneasiness and mystery.

We cleaned the area for the ritual. Set up candles and the salt circle. the white candles for spiritual connection. Violet ones for heightened psychic abilities and last but most important ones Black for protection.

The stage was set.

The room was cold. light dim. Eerie shadows cast in the flickering candlelight. We held our hands on the planchette, our fingers trembling with a mix of fear and anticipation. "Is there anyone here?" Shweta asked, her voice trembling.


"Is there anyone here?" I asked, quietly.


As we sat in silence, waiting for a response from the Ouija board, the planchette remained still, leaving us both frustrated. Our doubts about the board's authenticity grew, and we ultimately dismissed it as nothing more than a gimmick. "This is rubbish," I muttered with disappointment. "Perhaps it's all just a scam."

I got up and picked up the dammed Ouija board. Erased the salt circle and walked towards the door. "Shweta, we'll come and clean this mess tomorrow," I said trying to open the door.


I tried opening the locked door. It's not working. WHY?

"Shweta, what are you doing sitting there? Come here." The lock seemed to be stuck. Old and rusty, doomed to happen.

"Kaya?" I hear Shweta whisper.

As I turned around. The room seemed to grow darker. The candle's flame shrinks to a mere glimmer. An icy chill swept through the room, sending shivers down our spines. I looked at Shweta. Her face drained of colour, and she collapsed onto the floor in a dead faint.

I rushed towards her. I felt a sense of panic as I tried to understand the situation. Trying to wake her up, but she remained unconscious. My heart throbbed in my chest as I realized that something beyond our understanding was at play.

Everything slowly returned to normal as the candle flame regained its vigour and the coldness dissipated from the air. Shweta slowly opened her eyes and met my gaze. We shared a look of bewilderment and terror.

What... what just happened?" Shweta whispered, her voice quivering.

"I don't know," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper."maybe my mind was playing tricks."

Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Where stories live. Discover now