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"Everyday life bored me, and I yearned for excitement that my parents would never approve of."

I can't believe I'm doing this. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh, trying to convince myself that I won't get caught by my parents. "Don't worry," I reassure myself, but just as I do, a pillow comes flying and hits me in the head.

"Why are the lights on? What the hell are you doing this early in the morning?" my sister mutters irritably from under the blankets, shielding her eyes from the bright lights.

"I'm going for a walk," I state.

With a jolt, she springs up from her bed and marches towards me, her hands clasped tightly on either side of my face as she shakes it vigorously.

"If a spirit is possessing my sister, please leave," she says dramatically. I yank my head back, freeing myself from her grip.

"I'm going for a walk. What's so weird about it?" I stare at her, and she bursts out laughing.

"Hey, it's Sunday. You don't even attend hockey practice when it's held on Sunday mornings. I thought you were joking when you asked Mom and Dad for permission last night."

"I wasn't. Now will you let me go?"

"HELL NO......You can't be serious!" She shakes her head in disbelief. "Our parents thought it was a joke."

Turning around, I flick her forehead. "Sorry, we don't allow cursing here."

"I'll be home before you know it. Bye," I rush out of my bedroom, quickly grabbing my phone and shoes before heading outside.

I make my way down the stairs swiftly, out of our society's premises. The frosty morning air bites at my cheeks as I zip up my hoodie for warmth. The streets are quiet, and the only sounds are the occasional chirping of a few early birds and the distant hum of a passing car. A soothing symphony of leaves accompanies each step on the pavement, crunching underfoot. As I breathe in, the cool air fills my lungs, giving me a refreshing feeling.

After walking a few blocks, I spot a black car and a red-haired girl waving from inside. "You are late, KAYA. HURRY UP!!!"

Entering the car, I greet the driver and then turn my attention to the red-haired beauty. She is dressed in baby blue sweatpants and a white faux fur hoodie, her blue eyes shining as bright as ever. "I'm sorry, Layla. So, where are we headed towards?"

"The client's house is in Andheri. They have been experiencing poltergeist activities for a month now."

"Just to confirm, are we going to fight the ghosts there?" I ask, all excited.

"No, silly. We are just going there to collect evidence. You are a trainee, and even though I'm a full-fledged agent, we are not allowed to perform exorcisms yet," Layla explains. I hum in disappointment.

"And we don't even know if there are any spirits to begin with," she continues.

I turn my attention to the window, trying to distract myself from the view outside, but my thoughts are consumed by questions.

Will I make it in time before my parents wake up?

How did I end up agreeing to this?

Agreeing to what, you ask? To join a Ghost-hunting agency. I know, I know, you must be thinking, what crap am I talking about? Well, there is a registered organization that frees trapped souls, helps people with curses, cleanses areas with bad energies, and so on.

Believe me or not, it's REAL.

I was just like you two months ago, living my life blissfully unaware. But now, I've discovered that spirits are present everywhere, day or night. And to top it off, my psychic powers have been awakened.

Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Where stories live. Discover now