Ch42 ~ The Truth Untold

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(..Flashback— 4 years ago..)


Shin Hari sits on the bathroom floor, legs pressed to her chest as she anxiously bites on her nails.

"This can't be happening"

The phrase continuously chants in her head as she looks at the pregnancy tests carefully placed on floor next to her, all three of them showing two obvious pink lines in the middle.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed, grabbing her hair as she tried to think of what to do.. She's only 19, and just finished high school not long, how could she get pregnant?!

"Mom— mom is going to fucking kill me." She cries, shaking on the floor as she hurriedly took out her phone, dialing a number then pressing the phone to her ear.

"What?! I'm busy at the cafe why the fuck are you calling me?!" An angered voice of a man boomed from the other line.

"O-oppa.. I n-need to talk to you p-please" she says, stuttering between her words.

"What part of I'm working don't you understand? Hari I'll call you after my shift." The voice says, ready to hang up.

"Oppa wait! Please h-hear me out okay? I-it's really important please.. I" she couldn't complete the statement as she starts to cry.

"My goodness Hari, you on your period again? How about this? Come to my side by 7pm, I'll be home by then." He finished before hanging up the phone.

"Ahhh!" Hari screamed before getting up, fixing herself in the mirror then rushing out of the bathroom, and out of the house.

"7pm?! I'd have lost my mind before then!" She screams as she hurriedly walked towards a very familiar cafe, not quite from from her house.

Upon entering the cafe, she saw the person she badly wants to talk to by the counter, attending to a customer; she walks towards him.

"Wooshik, we need to talk" she says

"What the- Hari I'm fucking working!" He whispers yells.

"Does it look like I fucking care?!" She screams, making the people in the cafe murmur and look towards them..

"Fuck.. you know what? Let's go" he says, coming out from the counter after signaling the other worker to fill up for him. He took Hari's hands and dragged her out of the building, towards the back where no one visits.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! How could you come here and make a scene?! I told you I'll meet with you when I'm don't but you still-"

"Shut the fuck up Wooshik I'm Fucking pregnant!" She yells.

"W-what?" Wooshik asks in disbelief.

"I'm pregnant, I did three tests and it all showed positive"

There was a  moment of silence, neither of them said anything as they just stared at each other.. Untill—

"And why the fuck are you telling me this?" Wooshik asked.

Hari looked at him, not really shocked as she'd expected this reaction.

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