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Time skip

I pulled up to set with a large iced coffee in hand. I stepped out of my uber and walked up to the gates a man stepped out of his booth and came up to me "hi I'm elizab-" he interrupted me "miss brown it nice to meet you. Come with me" he handed me a picture ID and pressed a button which opened the gate.

I followed him through the maze like halls into a big open area with a bunch of trailers. We walked past a large group of people who seemed stressed out rushing around crazily.

The man pointed at a large trailer "here's yours miss brown" I went to thank the man but by the time I turned around he was already walking away.

I walked up to the door and pulled down on the handle but it didn't budge. What one earth. I shook it aggressively not in the mood to be locked outside today.

"Use your key" I jumped at the sound of someone's voice behind me. It was a beautiful girl with really tight brown curls down to her chin she had dark skin and emerald green eyes, I was mesmerised by her.She came up close to me and grabbed my ID badge that was dangling from my neck "it's also a key"

I tapped it on the key pad and pushed down the handle again but this time the door actually opened "thank you I'm Elizabeth" I stuck out my hand she pushed it away and wrapped me up in a hug "hi love my names cassie" her skin was really soft.

"Wait are you the one playing Beth Sinclair" she was playing with one of her curls, wrapping it around her finger "yeah I am what about you?"

"I'm playing your love intrest max."

"Oh wow its lucky for me that you're pretty" I realised what I'd said and started to blush but the girl was just smiling at me "not too bad yourself Elizabeth"

"I have to go now but hopefully we can catch up later" she winked at me and walked away. I entered the trailer there was a gift basket full of food tied together with a bow. I looked closer and saw there was a small note that had the word welcome drawn across it in big golden letters.

This whole experience is amazing I can't believe my life has got to this point. I looked down and my phone to see I'd gotten another message from taylor, I didn't want to look at it so I left my phone on the table.

I left the trailer again and went over to hear and makeup which took about 4 hours, the people there were so nice and they let me incorporate my style into the costumes and I'm hoping that they let me keep these clothes when we're done filming.

I didn't  have time to go back to my trailer before I had to head to the set. It was weird it was like I'd just walked into a house, it looked so real apart from one of the walls was missing. I scanned the room and spotted the girl from earlier talking to the director.

Afew seconds later she turned to my direction and we made eye contact before she started walking over to me "hey man were you staring at me?" She was smirking "what if I was" I confidently replied "well-" she was cut off by the director "ok everyone time to start this scene"

Time skip

It was quite late now and we had just finished filming the final scene for today, I was really tired and just ready to go to bed. Cass came up behind me placing her arms around my shoulders. "Fancy grabbing a drink with me to honour the first day on the job"

I looked over and smiled "not today sorry I think I'm going to collapse I don't even think I can make it to the taxi" we stopped outside my trailer but she didn't move her arms "at least let me drive you home then, I don't want  you dying on me already" I chuckled and nodded in agreement "fine"

I swung open the door we both jumped at the slight of another another person already inside. "Holy shit you're taylor swift" cassies eyes lit up and taylor smiled back at her "hi yeah I get that reaction a lot" she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes "watch what you say you don't want to start sounding like a dick" she turned her gaze to me but didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry why are you two friends or something?" Cass had moved her arms from my shoulders and instead had hold of my arm. I watched as taylors eyes shifted from mine to cassies hands, it was almost like I could see a hint of jealousy come across her face.

"I wouldn't really put it that way but yeah we do know eachother quite well" I now grabbed hold of cassies hand and entwined our fingers, taylors jaw tighted and she looked away from the both of us completely just staring at my phone face down on the table.

"Sorry have I interrupted something here" she lazily gestured to our direction "no it's fine I was just leaving" cassie patted my hand and let go giving we a quick hug before going to leave the trailer "oh liz do you still want that lift?" The girl looked between me and the singer.

I opened my mouth to reply but I didn't get the chance "no thanks love I can take her home in a bit" I quickly turned back to taylor giving her a questioning look. Cassie smiled at me and waved as she closed the door.

~sorry I haven't been posting much recently I've been incredibly busy but I promise I'll try and post more often from now on. Thank you for your patience.~

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