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I quickly opened my eyes and sat up abruptly after hearing my phone vibrate so many times I thought it was going to explode. Ugh I can't even be bothered to deal with people right now, I flopped down on my couch again. Wait what time is it, I lifted my arm to look at my slim golden watch, why on earth are people messaging me at 1 in the morning.

I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep again but all I could do is think about the events of the day before. I spent the day with THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT AND HER MUM, how does that even happen. Oh my god she said that we're friends how am I freinds with the music industry.

Maybe I should check my phone because I don't fancy missing an important message from my friends or one freind In particular.

It was a message from Sophie a lot of messages from Sophie actually and some missed calls. I sat up and put my phone to my ear.


she was talking so loud that I had to pull my phone away from my ear and I could still hear her perfectly.

Lizz:"sorry soph I was asleep"

Soph:"next time answer your phone to me because I've got great news"

I could hear her smiling on the other end of the phone.

Lizz:"go on then don't leave me in suspence"

Soph:"oh yeah sorry. You know that film you auditioned for the other day the big one?"

Lizz:"the one I fucked up, yeah I know it"

Soph:"well you obviously didn't fuck it up too much cause you got the part"

Lizz:"no fucking way. Your messing with me you must be. I swear to god Sophie if your messing with me right now I'm going to fire you"

Soph:"like hell your going to fire me I just got you the biggest role of your life"

Lizz:"I actually can't believe it that's crazy you are actually the best soph I love you so much. If u weren't already married I'd marry you"

Soph:"yeah yeah I know I'm amazing but it's late and I'm going now goodnight"

Lizz:"sweet dreams my guardian angel"

She hung up on me. I can't believe I finally got a decent role this could be it, this could be the thing that actually makes me famous or at least get me out of this tiny flat.

I don't even know what to do with myself right now what do I do or say, who do I tell. I opened my phone back up and went to messages.

Lizard: are you awake


Lizard: good, come round to mine now and bring alcohol please.

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: do I get a reason why?

Lizard: nope :)

THE MISS TAYLOR SWIFT: ok be there in 15.

I quickly got up and changed out of my clothes and into a big baggy hoodie and shorts. I also tidied up a little and put on some candles before I heard a little rhythmic knock on my front door.

I opened the door to a very smiley taylor with two bottles of wine in her hands on white the other red. "Good evening lizard" she let herself in and flopped down on my couch putting the bottles down on my table.

I closed the door and followed after her. I sat down taylor swung her legs round and rested them over mine. "So why did u wake me up in the early hours of the morning demanding I come see you"

I layed my hands over her legs, she was wearing shorts too, her long legs tangled together were so smooth just like butter.

"Hello earth to Lizard" she was waving her hand infront of my face. Oh god I just zoned out staring at her legs.

Taylor was once again grinning at me once I found her gaze "oh good your back. Now that your finished checking me out can you tell me why the hell I'm here"

My face began to heat up I shook my head and tried to snap out of it "you know that audition you took me to the other day" the blonde had grabbed one of my hands and was playing with my fingers.

"Mhm" she was staring at our hands "yeah well I got it" she was now looking at my face again "what the fuck Elizabeth why were you holding back on me. I've been here almost 15 minutes and you've only just thought to mention that" she grabbed hold of both of my hands and dragged me on top of her.

She was squashing my face into her neck and I couldn't talk "I'm so proud of you" we layed there for a couple of seconds before I started finding it hard to breathe.

I tried to pull away but her grip didn't loosen "taylor can't breathe, slightly dying" she let go a bit but not completely "oh sorry"

I moved my head to rest on her chest she had her arms around my neck and I snaked mine around her waist.

"I can't believe you got the job" she rolled off of the couch so we were both sprawled out on the floor, her being on top of me this time "Ouch taylor your crushing me" she burst out in laughter "I'm sorry but I'm so exited for you hun"

She lifted herself up so she was hovering above me her hair dangling on either side of her face. Her hands were just next to my head, I inconspicuously lifted my hands and swiftly placed them on her waist flipping her over.

"Now you're crushing me" the blonde didn't stop giggling underneath me. "Stop laughing you're tickling me" I put my hand over her mouth and She licked my hand "ew stop tay that's gross" I wiped her spit on her shirt.

"Make me" her eyes were dark and her face had an unrecognisable expression. She put her hands on my face I slowly leant forward.

~sorry to leave it here bit I'd like to quickly thank you all for 800 views~

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