Mahi sighs and sadly says, "I'm just feeling a little lonely because the new kids are still a little shy to spend time with me and the older kids have their family with them. I don't want to intrude on their personal time, so I end up alone in my room too often."

Ziva couldn't see her father sad and immediately replies, "Don't be sad Papa. Mumma and I will come to join you very soon and then we'll also have fun together."

Mahi smiles and says, "I'll be looking forward to it. Achha now go and get ready for bed. You don't want to be late for school tomorrow."

Ziva sends a flying kiss to her father before running to her room, pulling her mother along with her.

Mahi's mother waits for the two ladies to go out of earshot and says, "Beta, don't worry and just tell Sakshi about why you want to grow your hair when you meet her. I'm sure she will understand."

Mahi smiles and replies, "Thanks Maa. I don't know what I would do without you."

His mother smiles and says, "Achha now you also go to sleep. You have practise tomorrow. Good night Beta."

Mahi replies, "Good night Maa. Miss you."

Mahi's mother disconnects the call and goes to check up on her granddaughter one last time before heading to bed herself.


A few weeks passed and it was finally the day when Sakshi and Ziva were going to arrive in Chennai.

Mahi was looking forward to meeting his princess after months, but he was also feeling nervous about the long overdue conversation with his wife.

Sakshi and Ziva waited for some representatives from the Chennai team who had arrived to pick them up at the airport.

Mahi was waiting anxiously in the hotel reception when one of his special kids spotted him.

As soon as his fellow teammate saw him, he started making his way towards him.

Mahi cursed his luck because he had been spotted by the one kid who would do nothing to ease his anxiety.

His kid stops right next to him, putting his arm around his shoulder and says, "Arre Mahi Bhai, why do you look so worried? Our team is doing well and today toh our lovely Bhabhi is also coming with your princess. You should be happy now."

Mahi sighs and replies, "I am happy, but I just want them to reach here safely. Not that I don't trust our team, but I'm sure you know how it is Jaddu."

Jaddu looks away and mumbles, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Mahi can't help but smile before pulling his stubborn kid in for a hug and says, "It was nice talking to you. I thought you would trouble me, but you've been surprisingly helpful today."

Jaddu looks offended and asks, "Do you mean to say that I never help you?"

Mahi chuckles and replies, "I never said that but I think even you know that you're better at starting fires, not putting them out."

Jaddu gives his captain a look before bursting out in laughter and says, "You're probably right, like always."

Just then Ziva runs inside the hotel shouting, "Papa"

Mahi immediately turns around to receive a hug from his little princess, who had dashed right into his legs.

Sakshi walks in as the father-daughter duo have their moment and decides to meet the Devar waiting in the lobby along with her husband.

Jaddu notices his Bhabhi coming in his direction and says, "See Bhabhi, your daughter didn't even see her Chachu standing right here."

Sakshi shakes her head and replies, "Come on Jaddu, you know that nobody can compete with Mahi for Ziva's attention. But I definitely saw my favourite prankster so let me hug him first."

My Tribute to MSDWhere stories live. Discover now