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Battlefield of Paanchaal

Arjun's POV

Prince Satyaajit, the eldest Prince of Paanchaal.

A sudden thrill swept down my spine, as I clearly remember Gurudev's instructions. We were given clear warnings to not to kill anyone from the royal family; either injure or capture them. Perhaps, a temporary escape from the killings—

And also if Prince Satyaajit is defeated, it would benefit us well—

"I am ready, Prince Satyaajit!" I held my chin high, relief washing over me for a while as I knew what I exactly had to do; defeat or capture him, alive. Satyaajit responded with a curt nod, knitting his brows together and growly slightly, almost mumbling something to himself which was inaudible. He geared up his bow and extracted a quiver, and so did I. My thumb delicately traced the feather of the bow, when my gaze travelled up towards the sky; orangish red streaks of light tapestried across with the misty clouds fleeting due to the zephyrs.


And with that, there was an instant blowing of conches from several directions, while Satyaajit and I exchanged a brief glance, he visibly breathed deeply as if cursing the time. Puru relaxed a bit, standing up on his chariot with the reins still gripped in his digits. I gradually lowered down the bow, unable to feel anything.

Should I be joyous that I survived the first day of the war or let my mind ransack through whatever that had been piling up within me? 

"It's not over yet Arjun....." His jaw clenched after he whispered something to his charioteer who was prepared to saunter back, all the clanks of weapons had dimmed down by now, both the sides almost coming to a standstill, retreating back to their camps. I didn't knew where I was lost, when Puru grabbed the reins and I had hold the post to balance myself with the jerk. 

"Are you alright, Prince Arjun?" Puru slightly turned his gaze, almost fully now, "Prince Arjun?"

"I don't know..." I absent mindedly responded, suddenly realizing what I said, "Who? I? Definitely, definitely I am! Let's go fast Puru! I need to meet by brothers!" 

Puru stretched up a brow at the visible forgery of mine to hide my misery, I felt like mentally shielding myself from the embarrassment I supposedly created; I averted his gaze and lifted the pot of water that was fastened to my chariot, letting my parched throat soothe with its cool drops. Cupping my palm, I poured some of it and splashed it on my face, wiping it down up to my chin.

A long exhale escaped my lips.

"It's alright, Prince Arjun..." Puru did not turn towards me this time, "It happens, moreover this is your first time. It pretty natural to be unnerved-"

"I wasn't—I still ain't unnerved—" I fumbled slightly, stacking my bow slowly in a corner and licking away the last drop of water that was about to dangle from my lips, "It's just a feeling Puru—I don't know how to explain—"

"Then you should," His words were fair and square, "Tell me how you feel, Prince. It would perhaps lighten your heart."


"Perhaps, I—" My palm traversed up to my mouth as I vigorously began to smudge my mouth, not able to figure out what to exactly answer him. What am I supposed to tell him? That I was purposely refraining from killing human beings? Wasn't being able to grasp in the fact that I had claimed lives, more than thousands? Seen countless of them shed their precious blood—I didn't know what to express currently nor which aspect of my mind should I focus upon. 

"How does it feel to kill Puru...." Those words escaped my mouth like a whisper, "That's exactly how I am feeling." 


"Bhrata Arjun, my God!" My lips stretched into a curve, instantly a layer of worry calming down as I wrapped my arms around the twins; they did not even spare a moment to rush towards me and huddle up, as soon as they spotted me climbing down my chariot, "You both? Are you both fine?!" I ruffled their tresses vigorously, and patted them, kissing their heads. 

"Nakul, Sahadev? Where is Jyesth and Bhrata Bheem? And the...the Kauravs?"

"They are with Gurudev, Bhrata...they will join us soon." Nakul detached from me, and gave me a small smile; while I noticed a light gash on his arm and a similar one on Sahadev's cheek. He immediately noticed my furrowed brows that made him touch his jaw absent mindedly, "It's just a small gash, Bhrata-we are fine!" I pursed my lips without heeding to their rants and clicked my tongue, tracing a forefinger lightly around his cheek. There was once a time when I had sworn that I wouldn't even, even a fly to linger around them; someone hurting them physically were beyond my imagination. 

And they are, warriors. Fine warriors.

A silent chuckle escaped as I bit my lip and glanced away; there was a time when both of them used to mimic Pitashree and roll on the mod, wrestling around with their wooden swords and exaggerating noises from the battlefield, and then end up rummaging each other's hairs in the end and laugh. Look at them now.....emerging from the battlefield like warriors.

My fine warriors. 

"Of course! And such gashes are common for warriors, even Pitashree said so!"

I sarcastically eyed the both of them simultaneously, a pursed smile stretching on my lips for a brief moment while shaking my head, "Very much grown up, aren't you both?" 

"And you're realizing this now?" Sahadev feigned innocence, and I couldn't help but lightly smack him and glare, before engulfing both of them in a bone crashing hug, a streak of tear lining my eye as I silently gazed up at the sky; thanking the Almighty once again for keeping them healthy and hearty. 

I did not know what would be up for tomorrow, but I certainly did not desire to miss the warmth of them for now



Drupad yuddh is going to be a huge segment of this book guys 👀✨

Signing off for today!

Kiritija Nushkie

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