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Outskirts Of Paanchaal

Arjun's POV

The tip of the sword glistened with the peeking moonlight that seeped through the blinds of the camp. Gyrating the weapon swiftly and a crisscross flicking of it, it seared above the flames of the torch upon which my conscience lingered. There was a swish through the darkness, my lips articulated above in a sense of victory but reverted—the last torch yet had its flares dancing, flaring its blaze as if in a mockery. 

Annoyance flashed over me, as I lowered the sword in my left palm's grip

Not like this, I need to work harder. More harder.

My angavastra charily wiped against the length of the sword, the ochre reflection of my features fell upon it as I held it against that fire torch, the fiery flames convulsed to either convey two ideology—either it was ridiculing of my another bizarre endeavor of gearing my abilities to allow me to take charge over my sinistral part or its raging flickers attempting to rejuvenate my buoyant spirits. 

Either ways, it only was enforcing me to swivel my thoughts over it either by dismantling or comforting my worth

Footsteps garnered near my tent, and I instantly realized whose it was. 

"Arjun?" There was a tone of grimness in his voice as I stacked the sword and rose up, with my lips curling into a smile, "Gurudev? At this hour?" Striding towards him, my fingers brushed against his feet where my worth resided, or rather from where I had amassed it. There were lines that had formulated on his forehead, creases under his eyes as if he hadn't slept peacefully for days.

I knew why, it was.

He inhaled a breath, "I wanted to meet you." He sauntered around me and sat upon the makeshift bed nearby, with his palm rubbing on his knee as he glanced away. I flashed him a perplexed gaze, striding up towards him.

"What would you have done, if you were in my place?" The eerie silence that had taken over the camp with nothing but the buzzing sound of crickets, caught me off-guard as my eyes raked over his solemn visage. His irises burned with a glint of hope for my response.

What would I have done in his place?

Saliva washed down my throat, was the question that difficult for me? No, it wasn't. It wasn't. But the circumstances around it, were. For the land where we had settled our foot upon, perhaps from there once even my father had crossed it, to meet his companion. The corner of my lips enfolded in between my teeth as a breath surpassed, what would I have done in his place?

"Truth," A slow whisper escaped my lips, "Truth. I would be supporting the truth." My eyes burned across the flames that raged due to the winds that had escalated. 

"Forgetting the nuances, Anagha?" He shot back, trailing his gaze upon me.

"Truth barely has nuances Acharya, it is what it is—" I knew I was skeptical at this, my voice quavered for a while at it, "Sealing mouth for what is injustice is cowardice for me." I glanced at up, his watery coppers boring into mine deeply. He shook his head after a while.

"And when your own is the one doing injustice?" His questions bombarded one after the other, he desired to seek assurance but delving me deeper each moment with it. Own is doing the injustice—the first hand experience of which I had, ever since the dust of Hastinapur washed my feet. But, what I had done then?

"You waited for the correct opportunity didn't you Acharya?" Why did it feel like I was assuring myself with the question?

He let out a low titter, "Smart, Anagha. I did, and now I am prepared for it." 

"Then?" I peered at him through my lashes, the sudden change in his tonality indicated he was messing with me as usual, "I wanted to confirm whether you are prepared or not, Arjun."

"I am, Gurudev—" Firming my smile, my eyes bore into his, "Your wish, my command."

"From your conscience, are you?" He stood up, and glanced down at me with his lips kicking up into a smirk. He cherished to jostle with my mind every now and then. Silence washed over me as I glanced away, "I am with truth."

"And even Mahaaraaj Drupad denied our treaty of peace and condition," I breathed in, concealing my rummaging heart that flashed every now and then of the thoughts of the secret relation Hastinapur would've once have with Paanchaal. And that of Kunti Maa, for once I thought I had witnessed an odd resistance flashing across her face as soon as the news of our endeavour had reached her ears. Her visage stiffened, but nevertheless she smiled, "Shall  truth and mercy always lead you, dear."

"And my promise towards you—nothing in this world can scrap it, Gurudev—" I stood up, exhaling deeply with a promising look on my face, firming instinctively on my words. My truth.

My truth was what occurred with Gurudev, the way he was disrespected in the court and dismissed, breaking the seals of everything he had cherished with Aarya Drupad. Yes, that's was where my truth resided, and nothing can waver my heart. Ever.

Providing justice to Gurudev is my duty. Period. 

He bobbed his head silently with a weird smile lacing on his expression, leading me to puzzlement. Isn't my answer satisfying him? 

"I know Arjun, I know—I have massive respect for what you five are doing for me, son." His features amusingly softened, his palm reached up towards my shoulder to brush it tenderly, his throat convulsed for a moment as he gulped down, "Forgive me if you can." 

He twice patted my shoulder, and strode away as I kept staring at his disappearing visage, thousands of questions prodding my mind.

He knows?



The first chapter is finally up! 😍😍😍✨✨✨

Trust me, the scenes of war are tough to write from first person's pov 🥺🥺🥺

Also, this is Arjun--way to emotional than anyone else~ its difficult 🥺🥺. And since it's his first time warring, the emotions have to be top notch otherwise the strings would fall loose...so the chapters regarding Drupad war will be again huge-almost like the Eklavya sequence *hides* 🙈🙈🙈 Maybe huge than that-there are several aspects to cover~

And Drupad also needs to be impressed *coughs* 🌝🌝🌝.

Signing off for today~

Kiritija Nushkie

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