Chapter 2

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Green POV

Green was sitting in the garage playing his guitar.

I can't believe I forgot I brought this  He thought as he played a beautiful melody

I do wonder how we're going to get back home, though.

His mind drifted back to the chaotic situation they were in. The Dark Lord was back; they were stuck in this strange new world; Second had powers-.

He suddenly stopped playing his guitar as anger welled up inside him. He tried to continue to play, his music shifting from a lovely melody to a harsh tone.

Why am I so angry at Second? He didn't even do anything

He admitted now that Second was unlikely to keep his powers a secret, but it still didn't change his feelings about the whole situation.

He heard the door open and saw Blue.

"We are going to explore the neighborhood," said Blue, "Do you want to come?"


They went outside and walked around the neighborhood. They came across a big building called Harmony Halls. They went inside to see a big auditorium with a stage.

"This place is so big!" Red said

Red's voice echoed in the auditorium.

"They must do performances here," observed Blue

Green noticed a stick polishing some instruments

"What type of instrument is that," Red asks

"A keytar," said the stick, "Do you want to try it?"

Red nodded, and the stick gave him the keytar. Red press a key, and it makes an electronic sound

"That sounds so cool!" Green exclaimed, "Can we try the other instruments?"

"Knock yourself out."

Blue picked up a four-string guitar, and Green picked an electric guitar and started playing along with Red.

"Aren't you guys going to play an instrument?" Red asks Second and Yellow

"I'd rather just listen to you guys," Second said


"I don't know which instrument to play."

"Try these," Green said, handing him a pair of drumsticks

Yellow got on the drums and started playing. Soon, a crowd began to form.

Wow! We must be really good

Suddenly, the doors busted open, and a dark purple stick figure entered.

"Hello, Stickville! I'm back!"

The crowd went wild as the dark purple stick started to take autographs.

Back? Who is this guy?

The dark purple stick made its way toward Green and shook his hand

"Are you guys new to Stickville?"

"Uh, yes, " Green answers,  "Who are you?

"Electric Grape. Friends call me Grape, fans call me Electric."

"So you're a famous singer?" Blue asks

"Oh yeah, I've traveled the whole world," said Electric, "That little ditty you guys played was great for amateurs."

"Amateurs!?" Green said

"Maybe one day, if you practice, you can almost be as good as me."

"But I'm not an amateur," Green explained, "I've been playing for years."

"Sure didn't sound like it."

"We were just having fun," Red said

"Yeah, I know," said Electric arrogantly," That's why if you guys want to stop making noises and start making music, you practice."

"It wasn't noise!" said Green, exasperated, "It was music!

Electric rolled his eyes as if he couldn't be bothered by this conversation.

"You really think you're better than us, huh? I could easily outplay you with any instruments."

"You do know you're talking to someone with actual  experience, right?" Electric snickered

"Well, if you have actual experience, then you wouldn't be so scared to beat an amateur."

Electric stopped smiling and stared at Green

"Fine. We'll have a little challenge with your band, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Electric then walked back outside with the crowd following him.

S1 E3: Musical Madness Where stories live. Discover now