Chapter 1

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Blue POV

"All right, I got one cup of milk, ice, two bananas, a couple of blueberries and peaches, and netherwarts. I think that everything. "

Blue heard a jingle in the living room. He looks over to see Red playing with Ruben.

"You guys having fun over there?"

"Oh yeah," said Red

Ruben oinked in agreement.

"Um, Blue?" Red asks, "What are you making?

"A netherwart smoothie."

"That sounds... interesting."

Blue put all the ingredients in the blender.

"Here we go,"

He presses the button, and immediately, the smoothie shoots out of the blender and splashes all over the kitchen.

"Oops, I must not have covered the blender all the way. "

He licks the smoothie off his lips.

"Needs more netherwart, though."

He heard the door open and saw Yellow and Second come in

"Hey guys, how did the rest of the experiments go?"

"Not good, " Yellow sighed, "I've tried everything to trigger Second's powers. Nothing's working."

"I can't explode anything, " Second said, equally frustrated, "It's like my powers turn off. "

Ruben walked over to Second and rested his head on Second's leg as if comforting him

"Maybe you're overworking yourself and need to take a break. "

Second pat Ruben's head


"Let's explore the neighborhood," Blue suggested

Yellow's eyes widen with worry.

"What about The Dark Lord?"

"We'll be fine. If we all go out as a group, we'll be safer. You can't let fear control you."

Yellow tapped his fingers on the table, thinking.

"Come on, Yellow," said Red, "It will be fun."

"Ok, I guess a little exploring won't hurt."

"Yes! I'll go grab Ruben's leash."

"And I'll go find Green," Blue said, then looked at the kitchen, "After I clean the kitchen

S1 E3: Musical Madness Where stories live. Discover now