Chapter 10 - Party

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Chapter 10 - Party

"Haha, you're going to get along great here!" Nami smiled as she excitedly grabbed Dawn's hand, wiped it with a handkerchief, and then led her toward the women's quarters. One of the first things Luffy said to Franky when he saw him for the first time in two years was the request to build another bed in the women's quarter for his sister. "Sanji, please move the ship to the other side of the island, I don't want to Marines to be able to find us so easily,"

"Of course Nami-Swaaan!" Sanji sang before kicking Usopp and getting him to unfurl the sails as he raised the anchor. Franky was already at the helm ready to steer as Nami instructed.

Most of the crew had discovered Luffy had a sister while reading about the Marineford war, it wasn't as surprising as Whitebeard's death or how Akainu died but it was still a shocker. Especially when they discovered she was the one who killed the Marine Admiral. Luckily Robin and Dawn were roughly the same size when it came to clothes so she offered her something more comfortable than the stolen marine uniform to change into.

"Thank you, Robin," Dawn smiled gratefully towards her new crewmate and hopefully friend. She borrowed an oversized blue sweater that worked perfectly with a pair of brightly colored shorts, and an old favorite of Robin's.

"Anytime, Dawn," Robin smiled back, glad to see some use getting out of her old clothes as she hated how they were just wasting away in the back of her closet. She was debating donating them anyway.

"You look so cute!" Nami exclaimed as Chopper, who Robin carried in nodded in agreement.

"Thank you!" Dawn blushed slightly, not used to being complimented. Something Robin thought made her look even more adorable, almost as cute as Chopper when he was dreaming of cotton candy.

"Haha, come on let's go join the party," Chopper laughed as he jumped out of Robin's lap and grabbed Dawn's hand.

"Party? What for?" Dawn asked the small reindeer.

"Your party of course! To celebrate you officially joining our crew!" Chopper widely smiled, causing Dawn's blush to deepen. For the first time in a while Dawn was rendered speechless. She was grateful of course but felt as if a party to celebrate her joining the crew was a bit much. After all, it was only her joining... Not wanting to ruin the mood with her own insecurities Dawn smiled back as she let Chopper guide her back onto the main deck where Sanji was grilling meat as fast as Luffy could eat it, which was at an alarmingly fast rate. Ace and Zoro were already drinking and Brook was playing his violin as Usopp and Franky terribly tried harmonizing along to the tune.

"Nami-swaaaan, Robin-chwaaaan, Dawn-swaaaaaaaannn!" Sanji sang once he noticed the girls and Chopper.

"Oi, Dawn! You have to come and try Sanji's meat! It's the best!" Luffy innocently yelled causing Ace to spit out his drink and start aggressively coughing. Chopper was quick to be by his side and pat his back.

"T-thanks Luffy..." Dawn deadpanned before dying of laughter when she, Nami, and Robin looked at one another. Fortunately, Dawn was becoming fast friends with the girls. The three of them went and sat down at a picnic bench by the grill, just talking about whatever came up while they ate. Dawn had to admit this was probably the best burger she had ever had in her life.

"Wow Sanji, you are a really good cook!" She complimented the chef causing him to have a bloody nose so strong he almost fell overboard. He recovered quickly and sprang to her side for the rest of the night. Much to Ace's displeasure.

"So that's why you were dressed up like a Marine," Robin realized as Dawn explained why she was on the island and infiltrating the Navy.

"Oh, and Nami...the map leads to over 100 million berries," Dawn smirked as she tossed the map that took her over a week to obtain over to the treasure-obsessed pirate. "Apparently they stole it from a pirate who dresses up like a clown, but I've never heard of him before,"

"Buffy is in the New World too?" Luffy said as he remembered the chop-chop pirate and his love of maps.

"Luffy can we please?" Nami begged with saucers for eyes.

"Sounds like fun!" Luffy exclaimed as he tried to take the map from Nami to get a better look at it. Only for Nami to quickly roll it back up and shove it into her belt loop. "Hey! I wanna see it too!"

"No way! You're going to lose it! Then how will I find my treasure?!" Nami argued. As she somehow managed to escape Luffy's attempts to grab the map.

"Since when is it your treasure?" Luffy yelled back.

"Since forever!" Nami stated as she wacked Luffy with said map before tucking it safely back into her belt loop. Everyone chuckled at the two's antics, as the party started winding to an end, not before everyone cheered a toast in Dawn's name, of course. "Tomorrow we're going to go find my treasure! Any objections?"

"None from me Nami-Swaaaaan, as long as I'm near you, Robin-Chwaaaan, or Dawn-Swaaaaaaannn I'll do anything!" Sanji sang as he practically bowed at her feet.

"Thank you, Sanji," Nami evilly smirked sending a shiver down Dawn's spine. One thing was for sure don't come in between Nami and treasure.

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