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Hello, my little froglets! 

How is everyone doing?

Do you like the new updating schedule?

Every week I choose a project to work on and write roughly five new chapters. Then I schedule a chapter to drop once per day at midnight! Any of these A/N Chapters I'll post 15min before the new chapter!

Last week I was working on this new project! I know what you are all thinking 

'FrogFrog?! you already have a ton of unfinished projects don't start another one!' 

or maybe

'Who tf is this girl talking to? My cat has more followers than her' 

First OW! Second, even if I only had 1 follower I would still talk to them just like this!

Now don't worry this story is only going to be around 10-12 chapters long. And the first 7 are already done :)

I plan on finishing this project, then my batsis project, before completely rehauling my Charlie Weasley fic. After that, I have three more short Harry Potter projects. Before I'll start tackling my first Original Book! 

Thank you to everyone who has read and liked any of my work. I really appreciate the support, and genuinely look forward to writing thanks to you all xoxoxo!!!

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