Bonus: Happy Birthday (Loki One-Shot)

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The music was loud, and laughter floated through the air. As parties went, this one was huge. The party of a kings beloved prince. A child to take pride in. To celebrate. But there was a second son. A second prince, standing to the side.

Loki rolled his eyes, sighing angrily. Loud enough for Thor, but only Thor, to hear. Thors birthday celebration was stupid. Loki had already said "Happy Birthday" this morning, barely meaning it. Each time he was forced to repeat it, he meant it even less. Five times ago, he'd been straight up lying. Now, he was just about mocking.

Reaching the gathering of Asgardians, a cheer erupted, everyone wishing Thor, beloved prince of Asgard, another wonderful year. A happy nineteenth birthday. How it must feel to be so celebrated. To have everyone love you so effortlessly.

Frigga gently shook Lokis shoulder, indicating yet again to wish Thor a happy birthday- this time for the public to hear. Loki briefly wondered what anyone would do if he were to start shouting insults and threats. Wishing Thor the farthest thing from a happy birthday, using the most foul language he currently knew. Cursing always spiced things up a bit, horrified the elders. It would certainly make Thors' day memorable. Give everyone a good show. Loki decided against it, not for Thors' sake, of course, but for a better plan and, partly for Mother, if he had to admit it.

Loki forced the falsest smile he could muster, a blinding flash of teeth that caused concern to flicker across Thors face. He was expected to praise Thor, to wish Thor a happy day. He would give them what they wanted. He'd give them all a show. They'd asked for this, and now, they would get it.

With a voice so loud it echoed everywhere, silencing the crowd, Loki clapped Thor on the back.

"Happy birthday, brother!" His eyes glinted. "Let this day be long remembered as a glorious celebration of your life. A year closer to your rule, a rule I hope you share with the love of your heart."

He emphasized the your, then winked at Lady Sif in the front of the crowd.

"Who I might add is looking quite ravishing this fine day. Step forward, show us where you are. Wave to your future subjects, Lady Sif." He exaggerated a bow towards her.

What he said was true and widely known, but still, it had the desired effect. Sif clenched her jaw, cheeks reddening. The sarcasm in his voice was unavoidable, but as he continued, it only grew.

"If I'm being honest, which we all know I'm usually not, we should just celebrate Thor daily- who needs an occasion? I don't need an occasion to be ignored, so why should he need one to be worshipped?"

There was a low menace edging into his voice. No one seemed to breathe as Loki continued with his stunt. He didn't dare glance behind him at his mother. He faced the people.

"So let's hear it for Thor! Beloved prince of Asgard." He sneered at Thor. "Happy birthday, my. Dear. Brother."

If he was never asked to celebrate Thors birthday again, he couldn't be happier. That would show them to force him to wish Thor well one too many times.

Friggas hand on his arm made him slowly turn, her face stopped him from continuing any further. He was pushing it as it was. A celebratory shout of well wishes rang out from the crowd as Fandral tried to erase the silence and reintroduce the joyous atmosphere. The rest of the Asgardians joined in slowly but steadily growing louder. Loki shook a fist in mock celebration at Thor, making a face.

Thors' confusion both delighted him and angered him. He was enjoying ruining the day, but was Thor so dull that he couldn't see the truth of everything? How much Loki really felt under the shadow of him and father? Did he really think Loki enjoyed being mean simply for the heck of it? Though that wasn't a bad reason...

Lokis anger was climbing, and he needed to get out. Of course, he knew he was already in trouble for his display, and there was no escaping that, but it had been enjoyable. One glance at Sif, and Loki could stand it no more. She looked angry- but tinged with disgusting pity. He yanked away from his mother, intending to leave the area; get away from Thor. Perfect, handsome Thor.

Everyone turned for a moment to acknowledge Fandrals toast on the other side of the room, and Loki made a dash for the door. He made it no more than five steps before the heel of his boot caught on Thors' ceremonial cape. Lokis eyes locked with Thors, a half hidden smile slipping onto his brother's face.

As he tumbled downwards, down the stairs, Loki decided to turn his appearance to that of Odin, seeing that Odin had temporarily stepped out. It was a sight he could well imagine would look hilarious. Everyone turned back at the sound of his crashing fall. All-father Odin tumbling down into the orchestra, sending the music into chaos.

Loki couldn't imagine a fall could last so long, but this one seemed endless. People looked on open-mouthed as they watched what they believed to be their king, crashing through the drums and slamming the tiny flute player to the ground. The flute made a hideous screech as the player tried to breathe.

No one moved. No one spoke.

Loki, as Odin, sat up, rolling off of the flattened flute player. He stood and tried to flee, tripping over, if he had to guess, every orchestra member in the room. He scrambled through the mess of instruments, breathlessly tearing for the door despite his bodies aching pleas to sit. He met Sifs eyes on the way out. He could feel heat rising in his cheeks. She knew. He stumbled again, distracted, almost falling out the door.

By the time he was far enough away to resume being Loki again, his face was burning; his heart pounding. Of course, Thor had to know the truth. Now he'd never live that down. Loki glared down at his stylish boots. He was blaming the boots. They looked nice, but they were good for nothing. Thor would say it was Loki, but it was the boots, or perhaps even Thors cape. Loki would ignore Thor. He'd get his laughs from it, then it would fade. Thor might even forget someday.

And then there was Lady Sif.

Of all people, that was the worst. He didn't much care what people thought, but Sif... well, maybe he cared a little. Loki wouldn't admit it, but he wanted to impress her. Make her forget Thor. But she'd been disappointed. And after that display- though he had royally enjoyed it- wiping out the orchestra was not how he'd intended to end things.

He was sure his mother knew as well, but she wouldn't say. It was his speech she would care about. His bad behavior. His childish jealousy and his disrespect for his older brother. His perfect brother- who Loki would argue had plenty of faults. Not that anyone else cared about that. Thor did appear perfect. He looked perfect, like mother and father. He was strong; built like a warrior- a king.

Perfect for someone like Sif.

He felt his face heat up again, remembering her. Sif would say nothing- but all she had to do was know. The knowledge of that was enough to humiliate him for eternity. Loki rubbed his cheek, feeling blood drip down his chin from his lip. A bruised cheek and a bloody lip were his only obvious injuries from the fall, and they would heal quickly.

Sighing, he wondered if he should return to the party. Mother would expect it. Then again, Loki was already disappointing- did it matter? He licked his lip, attempting to clean off the blood. He probably should go back. He was already in trouble- insane trouble once dad found out about his performance- he'd probably never see beyond his bedroom walls again.

It really wasn't Lokis' fault that Thor had a birthday. Or that he'd basically been asking for what Loki had given him. Everyone liked to tell him that honesty was better than lies, and Loki had been honest. Usually, he lied. They should be proud, but they wouldn't be. When Loki did the right thing, it was somehow wrong. When he did nothing, it was still wrong. He'd only been giving Thor what he deserved.

Loki sat up a little straighter as realization dawned. He hadn't given Thor any thing yet. Birthdays usually contained gift giving. Loki hadn't exactly planned on getting anything for Thor- seeing as he didn't really want to- but maybe he should amend that plan. He used his thumb to wipe his lip again, the taste of blood filling his mouth. Loki allowed himself a small malicious grin.

Happy, happy birthday, Thor.

Overshadowed (Thor/Narnia Crossover)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن