Part II

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Loki watched the boy in front of him as he tried to process everything that Loki had miraculously known without asking. He kept his gaze gentle- better to make this boy, Edmund, believe he was perfectly safe.

He knew this situation well; the position he lived in. How it held him back. Created inside the villain of the story that everyone expected. He could relate to this mortal, not pity, no, that would mean he pitied himself and that- that he did not. But he did understand.

Perhaps this weak minded human would appreciate his council, take his manipulation as ideas of his own. He would be someone who actually listened to Loki.

Actually understood.

"How did you know of Peter?" Edmunds eyes were wary.

His attempt to appear strong, unbothered, uninterested was very cute. It was a terrible act, but he was trying. He'd need some work on his trickery. Lying was an art, and Loki was an artist. He was basically the best liar. Ever. No one had outright stated such a thing, but that was the truth. Funny to say it, but the truth was Loki was good at lying. Using the two in the same sentence felt so wrong- but Loki adored doing it.

"Not information necessary at this very moment." Loki shook his head. "What I will do is buy you a drink- and we'll talk about what you want."

He emphasized the you, trying to force the boys selfish ambitions to rule his mind. He wanted the challenge of gaining Edmunds loyalty- without any tricks, no controlling; no forcing. He could do it, and he would.

"Um," Edmunds voice interrupted his thoughts. "I can't actually drink yet... too young... and I really don't drink as it is... or I wouldn't I mean.." He was stumbling nervously.

Loki grinned. "Well, you needn't worry about that. I can get you in."

He held a hand to the side, trying to escort young Edmund towards the building. Edmund hesitated. Loki kept smiling, forcing himself to still appear patient. Edmund finally started towards the bar, slowly; uncertainly.

Loki hid his triumphant smile behind a cough as he followed Edmund through the door, aging his appearance up to at least twenty-five as they walked in.

"Have a seat, my friend!" Loki gestured to a seat and took the one beside it himself.

Edmund sat. The bartender brought them two drinks, Loki winked, sliding over the money. Not real money, but the poor man wouldn't know until Loki was long gone. Edmund sniffed his cup tentatively, no doubt wondering why the man had given so young a boy a drink with no question.

For a bit of fun, Loki laughed. "You're looking a bit older. How do you feel?"

Edmund blinked. "What?"

Loki laughed again. "Have yourself a look." He held out a small mirror to Edmund.

Edmund gasped as he looked at the older image reflected back at him.

"How....?" He stuttered, staring at the image and then Loki, then back again.

Loki yawned, watching him amused. Poor kid really didn't understand Loki's power. This, of course, delighted Loki all the more.

"What have you done to me!?" He locked his eyes on Loki, slightly horrified.

Loki waved a hand dismissively. "Relax. It's merely an illusion. You're still you. I promise."

Edmund eyed him suspiciously, lowering the mirror.

"I promise." Loki smiled again, hoping to enforce his words.

They were true, though Loki's word was usually not one to be taken seriously, this boy knew not of that. Besides, he was serious- this time. Edmund was not permanently changed. He would see soon enough. Then he might trust Loki even more. Stupid, but he didn't know that.

Loki was too sinister- too double motived- to trust anyone. Too wounded to try.

"Besides, I couldn't have gotten you in here without it." Loki shrugged.

Edmund nodded slowly.

"Alright." He fixed Loki with a challenging stare. "Next time you feel like changing the way I look, ask first." He tasted what was in his cup.

Loki wasn't sure if his expression meant he liked it or if he didn't. He nodded at Edmund.

"Of course. I shall hence forth request your permission." He mock bowed towards him.

Edmund scowled. "Just say yes. Don't tease me."

Loki bit back a laugh. This boy had some sass, he had to give him that. If only he knew the true power of the one with whom he spoke.

Loki picked up his own cup, still watching Edmund. This was either going to be really fun or really bad. Hopefully, it was fun- but bad wasn't too awful- it was always rather interesting, given that Loki always came out on top.

Swirling the liquid in his cup, Loki watched as it almost reached the rim. He hadn't intended to come here; to do this, but he was enjoying it so far. One small follower wouldn't satisfy him long, but for a bit, it was exciting- specifically given it was all he had. He glanced up again, feeling Edmunds eyes on him.

He smiled once more, one of his nicer smiles that he used mainly to trick Thor.
The I'm-your-innocent-brother-why-
would-I-harm-you? smile. It seemed to be generally convincing, or at least, so far in his experience it had been. Up til recently for Thor. He didn't think it would work on him now, but that hardly mattered. Thor wasn't here; Edmund was. Edmund needed convincing, and that was easier- Edmund didn't know to fear him. Not yet.

"Now," Loki leaned his elbow on the counter, his chin in his hand, "what would you like to talk about? Forget everyone else- you're most important." He studied Edmund. "I understand, I'll explain how later, we'll just say my life was a bit similar. So tell me, Edmund Pevensie. Tell me how you feel."

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