Part IV

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Was there a point to this? Swaying this boy? Was Loki gaining anything? No, not really- but he sure was having fun.

Sliding his now empty cup back across the surface of the counter, he took Edmund by the elbow, leading him to the door. Everyone seemed to move away to avoid them as they went. As well they should. Loki deserved respect.

Loki was pleased with Edmunds reactions to his feelings, they did truly hold an understanding of each other. Different, but similar enough. Loki led the boy outside, instantly restoring his former appearance the moment they stepped from the door.


Edmund nodded, and Loki grinned.

Edmund believed him to be capable of so much; he had no prior knowledge of Loki's past failures. He spoke largely of grand schemes- of changing ones fate- but honestly, which Loki usually wasn't, he hadn't been able to succeed.

Succeed yet, he reminded himself. This time could be different. He had his doubts about anything important coming of this, but he'd play along. See how it went. Besides, Loki could just up and leave whenever he felt things were too boring or out of hand. He patted his pocket smugly.

"So," Edmunds words brought him back from his thoughts. "Do you have a plan to take over? To rule? Not sure how much you know of London, but I don't think the people will accept a lunatic, a single man claiming to be king and demanding them to bow as their new ruler. No offense."

So bold. So fiery. Loki liked this boy more and more every time he spoke. Loki generally tried to inspire fear, but this kid was not easily intimidated. Loki hated to admit it, but he was sort of enjoying his fearless friend.

A friend? No.

A follower, a helper. Someone who wanted what he did. One who would assist him. Loki didn't do friends. No buddies, no one to trust fully. No one was his friend. Once he'd made it so far into life without them, he'd decided not to need them. He'd made it a rule of his own; a rule he was afraid he might now be breaking. He tried to ignore the fact that maybe he was getting lonely.

"Ah, yes. Planning. Indeed, it is very necessary. I was actually hoping you wouldn't mind aiding me with most of that."

Edmund was at attention. Loki ran a hand through his hair, though it was already tightly slicked back.

"Seeing as this is your land, you'll hold the most knowledge. I know the most about takeovers, gaining control- things like that- but I'll need your general expertise."

Not really, Loki could have managed just fine alone. He didn't need anything from Edmund. But Loki knew how much Edmund wanted to hear how important he was. That he was the only one who would be able to accomplish something.

Loki didn't have to be told to notice. To understand. It was a longing, almost buried in his eyes. Loki knew it. He'd grown up with it; still saw the same look in every mirror he looked into.

Edmund responded as Loki had expected, his countenance shifted, his chin lifting at the thought of being needed.

"I guess you do. I'm really your only ally, and I do know more about this place than you do." He sat on a bench thinking.

"You'll need to replace the leaders who are in power here first. If you have their positions, you'll hold their power over the people. It would be a start at least..." He trailed off into his thoughts.

Loki leaned against the wall beside the bench, watching as ideas seemed to chase themselves across Edmunds face.

A dark smile settled over Loki's mouth. Thor would say Loki wasn't helping here, Loki liked to think he was- who else was going to tell Edmund the truth? Show him how to make his life better? If nothing else, it was certainly helping to keep Loki entertained. Was that not enough? He would say he was, in fact, helping Edmund, helping him further his selfish, power-hungry thoughts maybe, but helping nonetheless.

Edmund had begun to speak again. "We really don't have much to work with. Will just the two of us be enough?"

Loki smirked. "With just me, I can do a lot. I don't need anything. Trust me, people are weak, trembling cowards waiting, practically begging, to be ruled. They will do what I say because I say it."

One glance at Edmund, and he lowered his voice, realizing he'd begun raising it almost to shouting.

"But, with your help, which of course is needed," he forced a smile, reaching down to pat Edmunds hand. Not really needed, but Edmund would be too wrapped up in himself to see the truth, "perhaps we will become completely unstoppable. We can do it, I assure you."

Did Loki know that for certain? Absolutely not. And he was quite sure Edmund would only really be in the way, but it was rather enjoyable orchestrating Edmunds thoughts, seeing what got what response, finding glimmers of who Loki himself had used to be. Hopeful, desperately trying to please, searching. He wanted to give Edmund power- to replace those feelings. To stamp them out.

Finally sitting down beside Edmund, Loki began to scheme right along with him. To Loki's delight, the boy had some surprisingly sinister ideas, full of mischief, of treachery, of all the things Loki excelled at. Together, they drew up a plan to take London, starting in the morning. Loki did most of the planning, though he did not point it out to Edmund.

Obviously, he still had to teach his new protégé a thing or two. He was ambitious but a bit cautious. Not cowardly, just a little too good. He'd get there- and if not, Loki wouldn't hang on to him. Loki looked away, frowning to himself. He enjoyed Edmunds company, to be sure, but he could just as well say goodbye. Sad that this small friend didn't know just how disposable he was. How much Loki took into consideration taking him hostage if need be. He was too oblivious, planning his little heart out.

Loki thought over his plan once more, the real one residing mostly in his head- his plan being not so human friendly- grinning madly.

"It's good. We'll be kings in no time."

At least Loki would be if all went well. Edmund smiled at him.

Loki ruffled his hair. "Now, let's get you a helmet."

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