Part V

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Edmund sat beside Loki, peering off the roof they were sitting on. His new helmet resembled Loki's but was a lot smaller and also a bit heavy and uncomfortable. Edmund shifted.

He did want to be a king again- one without Peter- but was sharing with this man any better? Loki seemed power-hungry and unpredictable. But then he did seem to want to help Edmund for no reason beyond that. He certainly wasn't gaining anything from Edmund. Loki seemed to want him around, claimed to need his knowledge. Edmund wasn't sure what to make of all that, but it did feel nice to be wanted; needed. That much he did know.

The plan, while simple, seemed still complicated to him. He just didn't see how they could do this alone. Loki was talking. Edmund blinked up at him, completely lost. Loki sighed, rolling his eyes, appearing to bite his lip in frustration, then smiling in a seemingly sudden mood shift- one that Edmund was getting used to.

"Lost in thought?" Loki stared at him.

His eyes always looked searching; sinister. Like you only knew half of the truth, and he hid the rest. As if he had a scheme, one undecipherable by anyone, no matter how they tried. Edmund nodded, looking away.

"Sorry, I'm listening now." He tried a smile.

Loki grinned madly. "I was only curious as to where you were staying. That way, I can avoid it and keep your family perfectly safe."

He looked sincere.

Edmund pointed out the house he'd left hours ago. "There, but are you that certain we can actually do this? I mean, should we? Even if we could?"

A dark flicker shadowed Lokis eyes, and Edmund hurried to add a half-hearted smile.

"I mean...of course... you would know more.. I guess.." He cringed, looking up.

Lokis narrow eyes studied him coolly. "I've spent too long pretending to agree with what I should be doing, listening to those who tell me what to do, and I'm done. I'm doing what I want, regardless of what people say."

He leaned towards Edmund. "I thought you would want the same. Do you not?"

The last part sounded vaguely threatening to Edmund. He nodded.

"Yes, yes I do." He shifted. "I guess I'm just not as confident as you are yet. You seem so certain."

Whether or not Edmund really wanted any of this, it seemed best to agree. And if nobody was going to be hurt, well, how bad could it really be?

Loki laughed, his menacing look fading. "Someday you will be. I think you could be now if you wanted to. But you still hold onto a glimmer of belief that you can change yourself to please those around you. Admirable, but futile."

Edmund listened warily. It seemed wrong to listen to what Loki said, but if it was, then why did it always seem to make sense? Maybe it was bad that he could relate; he shouldn't. Peter wouldn't.

"Nothing you do, nothing I do, can ever be enough. I spent my whole life trying, not knowing it didn't matter. Because of who I was, I could not change what was assumed of me." Loki's voice laced with emotion, something Edmund couldn't place.

"I could never live beyond the shadow of those who surrounded me. No matter what I did, it wasn't enough- because it was me. I wasn't enough." Loki's eyes looked pained.

Edmund nodded slowly. He hadn't seen mum and dad in so long. How did he know if they would be proud of him? If they would still love him? He hadn't exactly been on his best behavior last he saw them. As he thought it, he felt the sting of guilt. Somewhere deep inside, he knew they still loved him, always would- no matter what. But for some people, Peter, Uncle Harold, Timothy, Mr. Booker, even Susan and Lucy at times, he felt the same way Loki did.

Insignificant. Second. Overshadowed.

"I wish I could save you from the pain, the disappointment you'll feel when you realize all you're doing is pointless." Loki patted his arm.

"But I can't, and I think you're already beginning to understand anyway. All I've ever gained from trying to please anyone is distrust, betrayal, and disappointment. So I took it, gave up on them, and tried to prove everything only to myself. To send them a message."

There was a point when Loki's words began to sound as if they were meant to convince Edmund of something. Stories he was only getting one side to, but almost too subtle to notice.

He thought he'd learned his lesson with the White Witch in Narnia, but this seemed equally tempting- if not even more. He'd been offered the same thing then, and he'd fallen for it- but Loki didn't want Edmunds family for anything. He only wanted, appreciated, and cared about Edmund. He, unlike the witch, gained nothing from him. He genuinely cared about the way Edmund felt. At least, he seemed to. He definitely understood, that was for certain.

Loki pointed to a building with a short line of young men spilling through the door. They all seemed around the same age.

"What's that? What are they doing?" He cocked his head.

Edmund scowled, jealousy bubbling up inside him. "They're of age to enlist in the army. For the war."

Edmund wanted to go. To help. To do something, anything at all. He was too young. He glanced at Loki.

"You could make me look old enough, couldn't you?"

Loki raised an eyebrow.

"You actually want to go to war?" He shook his head. "I'm afraid I could not. I couldn't keep up your illusion so far away for so long. Besides, you're about to become a king here."

Edmund rolled his eyes. It was worth a try.

"Although," Loki looked thoughtful, "this is interesting information. That means not many men remain here. Not many are left to protect this city."

He smiled slowly. "All the easier for us."

Edmund shrugged. "We still have no army. I don't know where you think we'll get one besides rounding up all the stray animals around here, I'll bet there's a small army of them."

Loki bit his lip, stifling a laugh.

"Oh Edmund, I really like you. But no worries. And no animals, I've got that all figured out." He grinned, snapping his fingers dramatically.

Edmund was startled as a second Loki appeared on his left, winking at him as original Loki watched. With a wave of a hand, it was gone.

Loki looked amused. "I think with an army of me, we should be frightening enough. Whose going to oppose us enough to realize it's an illusion?"

Edmund was still to startled to speak. Loki wasn't wrong- people would believe it was real, and they would fear it. Maybe Loki could actually pull this off. Edmunds uncertainty grew, and he tried to swallow his fear.

Loki was starting to make him a little nervous.

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