Oh shit.

"Are you Lively's daddy?" I asked mockingly.

"I am." He snarled. "She was going to be a nurse at this very hospital before you gutted her alive."

"Aw, well I'm sorry but if she wasn't such a bi-"

"Shut your mouth, you sick freak!" The doctor seethed and stomped towards me, I tried reaching my arms up but immediately panicked as I remembered I was hand cuffed to the bed. "You be lucky I don't let you rot in this bed, you deserve to suffer ten times more for what you put her, and others through."

I gathered up the spit in my mouth and a cop immediately came up to me and put a mask over my mouth, "spit on yourself." He snarled. I chuckled and swallowed my spit.

I rolled my eyes again, "so when does the surgery start, doc? Your friends here left a few bullets in me y'know."

"You'll be in for surgery in maybe two days, for now you can sit in the bed and withdrawal from all the drugs in your system, we can't let you die during surgery and depending on how many drugs are in you, you wait longer," he said, calming himself down.

"Let me see Marti, now."

Another cop scoffed, "you still don't get it, do you? You don't get to make demands or ever see him again."

"You think I won't?" I asked, cocking my head and smiling.

These idiots have no idea that I'll take everyone's life in his hospital, burn it to the ground, and get my Marti.

"You definitely won't, you're on 24/7 watch," the cop snarled.

"And if I just kill myself?" I laughed. "Then you can't punish me."

"Good luck with that," the cop said with an angry smile. The doctor glaring death through his glasses into my soul.

"If you really want to kill yourself then we can place you on a 72 hour psych hold," the doctor suggested.

"A what?" I snarled, glaring back.

"After your surgery, Trevor Ivanov, I'm putting you under a mandatory 72 hour hold at the Castle City psych ward, you'll be handcuffed the entire time you're there, placed on medicine, and when your 72 hours is done, if it's done. It all depends on your behavior truly. But either way, you'll go to court, and then most definitely rot in prison, no matter what you claim," the doctor explained as he was writing on his clip board.

"When I escape you'll regret it, and you better pray to your fake little god that he let's you see your baby girl again," I whispered harshly to the doctor.

The doctor gripped his clipboard, and looked at the cops. A sinking feeling in my stomach immediately formed as the cops all covered their eyes. "I won't regret this," the doctor muttered as he set his clip board on my legs and slowly walked over to me.

Is this really happening..?

I gripped my jaw right before he punched me in the mouth.

It's happening... This is real...

His punches made me yell out, and then grabbed me by the top of my hair, "Lively deserved better, you don't," he snarled and hit me in the stomach repeatedly until I coughed up blood inside of the mask. I started panting, and letting out cries of agony. One of the cops pulled the doctor away and hugged him, making the doctor turn away from me.

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