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Minho's pov

I woke up really late and on top of it all I stood outside if jisung's house waiting for him, after almost an hour of waiting I realised that he'd already gone to school probably.

I was completely out of breath after running there so you can imagine my shock when a fist comes colliding with my jaw, "what the fuck!" I cursed out at whosoever that idiot was before I even glanced at their face.

"Stay away from jisung!" The voice echoed and then I noticed it was hyunjin. What was he saying?
He looked mad, his eyes were shining with pure rage and his mouth was twisted into a deep scowl.

"Huh-" I mumbled, fumbling to get up. "You heard me stay away from JISUNG!"

He moved to swing another punch but I was faster, I caught his fist with minimum effort , he looked even more angered then I tackled him to the ground and pinned his hands above his head. I felt a rush of adrenaline and dominance since I've never had anyone in this position apart from jisung.

Our faces were inches apart and I leaned down a little more making his breath hitch and my smirk to grow even wider.

"You don't even know what's coming" I said tilting my head a bit. I let go of his hands giving him the opportunity to free himself and back into the school building slowly.

His little stunt gave me hope, if he was insecure of me to be able to do this then I think I still have a chance.

My amused smile grew wider as I walked into the school with a cocky strut.

You better watch your back hwang hyunjin.

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