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<The weekend passed by very fast for everyone and soon groaning teenages were back in class pretending to listen to their teachers. Jisung locked his door and walked down the few steps leading up to his home before he got into hyunjin's car, "morning jinnie!" He smiled warmly at his boyfriend but only got a tired "hi" in return.

He frowned a bit but shook it off and just stayed silent through most of the ride to school, even if it was awkward.

Once they arrived and hyunjin parked the car where he usually parks it they made their way over to jisung's locker. While he was getting his maths text book out he glanced at hyunjin.

He was leaning against the lockers with a tired looking poker face, then shoved one hand into his pocket and the other was scrolling mindlessly on his phone. He slammed the locker door hard enough to make hyunjin flinch back to reality, "let's go" jisung said through gritted teeth.

They walked in silence apart from the sound of their foot steps and the classes that were already going on. "Are you mad at me or something?"

Hyunjin looked up his phone and was met with the younger males frowning face, he didn't even notice that they both had stopped Infront of jisung's classroom. "Me?" Hyunjin asked and he nodded a bit embarrassed, "I could never be mad at you so don't be silly" he chuckled.

"Are you sure....?" Jisung trailed off.

"Positive" he stated simply, jisung looked unsure but he still hugged his boyfriend and entered his classroom with hyunjin waving him off.

Immediately he was gone hyunjin's face fell, he turned on his heels and clenched his fists while he flexed his jaw. He walked around, his merciless journey to find Minho was finally happening and all he could feel was his blood boiling each time he would make a turn and he wouldn't find him. He opted for the parking lot since Minho would've waited for jisung outside his house. It annoyed him more when his theory became reality and he spotted Minho walking into the school buildings,the original plan was just a confrontation but with how mad he was he didn't realise when his fists collided with minho's cheek.

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