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Maddies outfit

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Maddies outfit

Maddies pov:

Today I woke up at around 8 because I was just so excited to see my mom again

I then walked downstairs after getting ready

"Hey hun!" My mom said as her and Felecia were talking

"Hey mom!" I said kissing her head

Then everyone else walked into the kitchen and said hello

We decided to take the moms to a diner that we love

"So where are we going again?" Momonas mom asked

"We're going to Chaves Bakery it's soooo good we go there all the time!" Malachi said as he held my hand

We decided to walk there so then our moms can see a little of NYC

Once we got there I got a vanilla croissant with strawberries and then a vanilla cookie crumbl latte

It's so good

We then finished our food and decided to walk around more

We showed our moms a little more of NYC until us was getting dark

We ordered pizza and watched movies for the rest of the night until bed

Authors note:
Sorry this was so short I just didn't know what to talk about so I think I'm gonna fast forward a month or two

*202 words

SOULMATES- Malachi Barton story Where stories live. Discover now