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A/n- This was supposed to be chapter 13 originally but I ditched it. Now I've made it into an extra as a gift for all of you. I'm very glad that you all enjoy my book. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapters to come. This is between chapter 13 and 14. So no news about Ryhs. You'll have to wait for that~

y/n shoved crimson forward. “ go talk to him.”
“ I don't want to.” crimson said.
“ Let him apologize. Then you can do whatever you want with him.” y/n promised.
“Fine.” crimson whined.
She walked into the living room where leif was sitting on the couch. “ But you're coming with me.” she said.
y/n sat in an armchair and crossed her arms. She noticed with a note of satisfaction that there was a huge bruise on his cheek. Crimson sat on the other end of the couch.
“ You said you wanted to talk to me.” she sat stiffly like she wanted to be able to flee at any moment.
“You didn't have to bring your guard dog with you.” leif glanced at y/n who let out a low growl.
“Don't mind her. Just tell me why you want to talk to me.” crimson said.
“ fine. Crimson, I did love you. I still do! But my team didnt let me stay with you. They had a strict rule about partners. So I left with them thinking that it was for the better. But then they left me and I realized my mistake. Before I joined the dim-witt’s guard I wanted to find you, to tell you I'm sorry, and make it up to you.”  Leif looked at Crimson.
Crimson blinked then let out a small laugh. “ I knew that dummy. I was an assassin too. The teams do have strict rules about dating. But the thing that haunted me was why you never came back and why you left without saying goodbye in the first place. “
“I really wanted to but.. Well you're not the easiest person to find.  And i thought you would be happier without me.” Leif admitted.
Y/n watched them stare at each other with narrowed eyes. She wanted to know if Crimson was going to forgive Leif. Part of her wanted her sister to forgive him, another part of her wanted better for her sister. Crimson deserved someone like Noi. Noi was a great boyfriend.
"Ah yes, being left alone is totally happy." Crimson said sourly.
Leif's eyes widened. If it was possible Y/n would say he looked ashamed. But Leif was too proud to be ashamed.
" Leaving me alone wasn't helping me, Leif. If you wanted to help me, then you would have stayed!" Crimson balled her fists.
" He's upsetting you," Y/n observed. " Can I hit him?"
" Not again!" Leif touched the bruise on his cheek.
Crimson stared at Y/n wide eyed. " You did that?"
" Of course I did." Y/n crossed her arms.
Crimson smiles slightly. " No, don't hit him. He's not worth it."
" Crimson…" There was no denying the pain in Leif's voice.
" Don't whine at me, Leif. I've had enough." Crimson closed her eyes. Y/n placed a hand on her sister's shoulder in a comforting gesture.
Leif looked shocked. " I guess I deserve it." With that, he got up, and walked through the wall.
" He should have stayed and talked to you." Y/n frowned.
Crimson stayed silent. She radiated sadness.
"I'm really sorry. "
" It's not your fault…. Well you did hit him." Crimson smiled wryly. " But this is me and him. It's us to blame. "
Y/n looked at Crimson. " Hang out with me and Noi."
" I'm not being a third wheel."
" Not like that!" Y/n rolled her eyes. " I ment as friends. Just hanging out and having fun."
Crimson looked thoughtful and sighed. " Fine, but don't you dare turn all kisses with Noi in front of me. I will not hesitate to stab."
" I won't! And please don't stab my boyfriend."
Crimson smirked mischievously. " No promises~"


" It looks like a blobfish." Crimson said bluntly.
Noi pouted.
" Be nice!" Y/n smacked her sister's arm playfully.
" A nice blobfish." Crimson tried.
Y/n gave her a look.
" It was supposed to be a cupcake." Noi muttered.
" Crimson is just being difficult, it looks like a cupcake to me." Y/n lied. Let's be honest, it looked like a blob. But Y/n could be nice.
"Really?" Noi brightened. " Thank you!!!"
Y/n gave him a hug. She had decided that her, Noi, and Crimson would have a nice day drawing. Turns out that Noi wasn't Bob Ross. Crimson actually was the best out of them. Y/n was somewhere in the middle. Though Noi had insisted her drawing of a rose looked beautiful. Maybe he could lie nicely too.
" This was a waste of time." Crimson said, rolling up her drawing of a leopard.
"That hurts." Y/n pouted.
" Life hurts. " Crimson said ever so helpfully.
Y/n ignored her and turned to Noi. " I like your drawing so much that I'm going to hang it in my room." It was a blob, But a very cute blob nonetheless.
Noi smiled. " That's so kind of you Y/n. Thank you." He leaned in to kiss cheek.
Y/n and Noi exchanged glances and laughed.

Also I'm thinking about making a My Inner Demons oneshot book. Let me know your opinion!!!

And I do try to reply to every comment. So if you want please comment! It doesn't even have to be about the book! It could be anything! Questions and advice, whatever you want!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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