part 10

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Y/n couldn't believe her ears. She had to stop herself from laughing. She couldn't see Ace's face but she knew that it was red.
“Uh-uh *clears throat* y-yes I would love to.” Ace’s voice sounds strangled.
“ I'm glad.” Peirce said happily.
Y/n decided to just go back to Ava's room.
“Where's my water?” Ava asked.
“Uh no cups were clean.” y/n lied. She had completely forgotten about the water because of Ace and peirce.
“ You could have washed a cup.” Ava said annoyed.
“ okay i'll do that now.” y’n left the room loudly.
“ ah! Uh hi y/n!” Ace jumped up.
“Hi Ace. Are you okay?” y/n asked.
“Imperfectly fine.” Ace said quickly.
“ Are you sure?” y/n held back a smile.
“ yes!” Ace said.
“ okay….” y/n breathed.
She walked over to the kitchen, grabbed a clean cup and filled it with water.
“ How's Ava?” Ace asked, standing next to y/n.
“ She's fine. Can you take her this water? I want to make her a sandwich.” y/n asked.
“Sure.” Ace took the cup and walked over to Ava's room. As soon as the door shut y/n walked over to pierce who was still sitting on the couch looking thoughtful.
“Huh? Oh y/n. What do you need?” Pierce asked, snapping out of his trance.
“ I just want to tell you something. I know what you asked Ace. Congrats there a great person. But if you hurt them I will kill you.” y/n walked back to the kitchen to make ava a sandwich.
“ women.” Pierce muttered.
y/n don't respond. She just made her sandwich. Then took it to ava.


Crimson squeezed y/n’s hand though her face was annoyed. They had been sitting in the park. And crimson had brought up noi who she didn't really like. Y/n had defended him. Saying he wasn't like other guys. And that he was very kind.
“ I swore to protect you from guys. Now you have a boyfriend.” Crimson looked sad.
“ Well you don't have to protect me from noi.” y/n assured her.
“ I hope not.” crimson closed her eyes.
y/n knew where her older sister was coming from. She had had a boyfriend that had treated her like a slave. Crimson didn't want that to happen to y/n.
“ I hope he treats you nicely.” crimson continued. “ So did you make the first move? Her voice was tense.
“ Well actually he did.” y/n’s face felt hot.
“ he what!” crimson yelled.
“ don't do anything.” y/n pleaded.
“ I'm not. But my sister asking a guy out is okay but if the guy asks my sister out it's not.” crimson said.
“Why?” y/n asked.
“ because if you asked them out then you know they're good because you have good judgment.” crimson sighed.
y/n and crimson spent the rest of the time catching up. It was almost dark when they went home.
“ hi y/n hi crimson.” Ava was cooking dinner when they got home. Which was concerning because the last time she had made dinner she had almost burnt the apartment down.
“ hi.” y/n looked around for Ace but she wasn't there. She shrugged and went into her room. Noi was there. He smiled when he saw y/n.
“ hi y/n! I’ve been waiting for you. I have a surprise for you.” noi was excited as y/n sat on her bed next to him.\
“What is it?” she asked as noi kissed her cheek.
“ I can't tell you. But meet me tomorrow at the park. By the big maple tree.” he jumped up and ran out of the room. ( I wonder what he wants.)

from another world a noi x's fem!reader my inner demons fanfiction  ( my au)  Where stories live. Discover now