part 13

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I was walking down the street with Ava and Crimson when Ava let out a shriek.
"Um ow???" I covered my ears and gave her a cross look.
"Opps, sorry. i just saw that flyer over there and got excited. " Ave didnt sound very sorry.
" What flyer?" i Asked turning around to see a pale yellow flyer taped to a pole.
"Its a flyer for a upcoming carnival." Ava sounded excited.
" Why are you so happy?. Carnivals aren't that big of a deal. Back in deamos we have festivals twice the size of your carnivals." Crimson sniffed.
"Someones home sick." Ava pointed out.
Crimson crossed her arms and looked away.
I tapped my chin and looked between the two.
" it doesnt sound bad. I'd go with you Ava. "
"Really? Thanks y/n. " Ava gave me a quick hug.
I turned to my sister. " What about you?"
" Im not going. Human carnivals are not up my alley".
"Ooh Y/n we should ask Asch and the others to come." Ava said suddenly. " It could be like a date for you and Noi."
I looked down at the orange rose in my hand and smiled. I had picked it from the discount flower bin at the flower shop. Flowers that were getting old went into the discount bin. I liked roses and the orange reminded me of Noi, so i figured i would get it for him.
Crimson scoffed. " What about you and Asch, Ava?"
Avas ears went pink. " What are youbtalking about???"
I stifled a laugh and joined in. " What about you and leif?"
Crimson glanced at me. " Its complicated."
" Ava remind me to talk to Leif." I said.
" Okay."
We walked back to the apartment to see the boys surrounding a pile of what looked like ashes.
"YOUR THE ONLY ONE DUMB ENOUGH TO SET SOMETHING ON FIRE IN A FLAMEABLE BUILDING.   " I raised my fist and shook it wishing it was Aschs head.
" EXCUSE YOU BIT-" Asch was cut off by a familar voice.
" Acsh please dobt finish that sentence." Noi turned to Asch.
" Why should i listen to you?" Acsh asked.
" Becasue you may fail to remember, but im also a deamos, and i killed right along you guys. And thats my girlfriend you screaming at." At the last part Noi walked over to me.
i leaned agaisnt him and gave Asch a smug look.
" She yelled at me." Asch grumbled.
" that was nothing compared to what shelltdo when she figures out what you burned." Noi sounded amused and put a arm arohnd my waist.
" What did he burn? I asked.
Noi looked at Asch with a raised eyebrow. Asch turned away and walked through the wall to his hideout. i turned my gaze to the other boys.
" What did he burn?"i repeated.
They all exchanged glances. Finally Peirce spoke up.
" A plush of a cat."
" Thank you." i said clamly.
" Y/n dont kill him please." Noi said softly.
" Why not?" i hissed.
Noi gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him.
" Becasue deamos needs him."
" I dont need him."
Noi smiled and rested his forehead against mine, and looked at me with wide pleading eyes." Please? For me?"
"... Ugh fine. But i want him to stop going into my room." I whined.
" thats reasonable" Noi kissed my forehead.
" Did Asch burn anything else?" Crimson asked.
Ryhs shook his head. " No."
" Guys while walking i noticed a flyer for a carnival. Y/N said she would go with me. Will you guys come."
" Will they have ice cream?" Rhys asked quickly.
Ava giggled. " yep."
" Then ill go. Not just for ice cream, but to learn more about humans and earth." He pronuced earth slowly.
" Sureeee." Leif rolled his eyes.
"Are you coming Leif?" Ava asked.
I grabbed Noi's sleeve, and pulled him towards the room. He followed with a curious expression.
" Whats i your hand?" He asked once we were in my room.
" Oh. Its a rose, for you." I reached up and put it in his hair. " Gorgeous."
Noi touched the rose lightly. " Thank you.." He kissed my nose. " So about that carnival..."
" Do you want to go?" I asked. " If you dont thats fine."
" If your going to be there thats where i want to be." Noi smiled.
I smiled and hugged him. Kermit how did i have the best boyfriend in the world? what did i do to deserve someone like Noi. Noi hugged me back. I loved how warm he was.
" Whens the carnival?" He asked.
" For the next week. Me and Ava will figure out when to go. " i responded .
" Thanks for inviting me Y/N."

from another world a noi x's fem!reader my inner demons fanfiction  ( my au)  Where stories live. Discover now