92. Arnav-Khushi and Surrogacy! -2

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And then, of course, Arnavji's opinion. Angry he was, but his words still carried utmost weightage for her. This would be a decision that would impact them as a couple and their 3 kids as a family. She couldn't just decide it alone...but she didn't want to leave Neha on her fate either.

'Hey Devi maiyya, show me a way to do the right thing.' Khushi prayed in her mind.



Life had always thrown curveballs at Arnav. Always. When he least expected it, some challenge was thrown at him to leave him unbalanced. More so, since the day he met Khushi, all those incidents increased. But honestly, with her, every challenge felt worth it. With her by his side, he always found his footing again, strongly. In fact, Khushi was equally a braveheart, and together they won every battle life gave them!

Still, this new issue seemed to catch him totally off guard and knowing that opposing Khushi for his selfish love meant somewhere being unfair with Neha, made him feel guilty.

Talking with Akash and going to get some fresh air had calmed him down a bit, but a solution was still not visible to him.


Neha and Ashwin were getting ready to visit her doctor when they got visitors in the form of Neha's bua(paternal aunt) Alka and her husband. Alka was Neha's dad's younger sister and after Neha's parents passed away shortly after her marriage, her Alka bua had been her only living relative. Although, they couldn't help with monetary support during Neha's surgery, due to their weak financial condition with their son's education loan- they had been a parental support for Neha and Ashwin.

Neha had not discussed her complicated reproductive health with her bua yet, but today she had to when Ashwin mentioned they were going to the hospital. Needless to say, her bua and bua's husband immediately decided to accompany them.



Khushi had been waiting for Arnav to come back home, while Arnav too had now calmed down and was willing to talk to her with as much patience as he could muster!

When their bedroom door opened and Khushi saw him enter, she stood up from where she was sitting on the recliner. Both had a similar look of longing in their eyes for each other.

"I am sorry." They both said at the same time, with a matching small smile after that...

"Can I talk first?" he asked, and she nodded. He went to him and took her hand, "Khushi, I know I overreacted and said some things I shouldn't have. But I panicked. It made me remember all those scary days when you went through difficult labor. I didn't even want you to do it during princess's and pari's birth, but-" He left her hand and took on a firm look, "Look, I know you want to help Neha, and trust me, I feel so proud, but I am not ready to put you at risk."

She smiled and cupped his face, "I am not going to."

"Really? You won't?" he asked, at that unexpected answer. He was mentally prepared to take longer time to convince her of his point of view, his fears, and his thoughts.

"Not if it means putting you through so much mental pressure and if it means putting my family at risk! You and our kids are my priority, please never doubt that, Arnavji. I will never compromise on it." She said emotionally and he kissed her palms in response. "And I wasn't going to take this decision alone anyway. This is what I was saying before you left angrily." she said, and he looked guilty.

"Sorry khushi, but you know how I am." he said and she just hmmed in response. He then tentatively asked, "But what about Neha, now?"

Khushi sighed, and turned to look at Devi maiyya's idol, "I am praying to this mother to help us all now." Arnav didn't understand much, but he vowed to help Neha however he could, now that Khushi had cleared, she wouldn't do it if he wasn't ok with it!

Choti Si Duniya - ArShi FFحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن