40 - Home With You

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"Make sure to visit, okay? We'll miss you a lot." Y/N's mother held her hand and gave her a warm, tight hug before she stepped back, wiping away a tear. "Promise you'll take care of each other and stay happy." Y/N nodded at her words and gave her one last hug while fighting back tears. It was a bittersweet moment, leaving her family behind, but she knew in her heart that she was beginning a new chapter of her life with the man she loved.

Jay, standing beside Y/N, owed politely at both her parents. "Thank you for letting me be a part of your family's life," He said sincerely. "I promise to take care of Y/N and to make sure we have a happy life together."

Y/N's father, a man of few words but a warm heart, smiled and patted Jay on the back. "You're a good man, son. And remember, our door is always open for both of you."

Yejin pushed her wheelchair towards Jay as he crouched down in front of her and smiled softly at her. "You're finally taking her away," She said, making Y/N roll her eyes and hit her arm playfully. "But I hope the two of you live a good life. You deserve it." 

"Thank you, Yejin. I appreciate it." Jay reached out and gently patted her arm. "You should come see us. Heeseung will be on top of the world if you visit."

"He's such an idiot," She rolled her eyes, but everyone noticed how her cheeks turned a shade of pink at the mention of Heeseung's name. "But maybe I'll consider it. Just don't tell him I said that."

"I won't," Y/N's lips formed into a thin line and her sister faked a glare, knowing that she had struck a chord. "Take care of yourself and give the man a chance. It looks like he's in love." Yejin didn't say anything but she smiled and shrugged and it was enough to know that she was willing to give Heeseung a chance after all. 

Jay's hand rested against the small of Y/N's back as he led her to the car, opening the door for her before she waved goodbye to her family and got inside. One last time, he bowed politely at them and then got in the car before he started driving away. "This is it," He said, looking at her with a smile. "Our new beginning." 

Y/N leaned against her seat while looking at him with utter love. "I'm so excited, you know?" She raised her hand, staring at the ring that now graced her finger. "Oh my God, look at how it catches the light. It's like a little piece of stardust on my finger."

"Do you like it?" He smiled and stole glances at her. 

"Do I like it?" She repeated, letting out a mock gasp. "I'm in love with it. I'm going to spend hours just staring at it and if anyone comes to me, I'll tell them I'm admiring my fiancé's impeccable taste."

"That's true, he does have excellent taste." He chuckled and she could see his dimples deepen. "And speaking of impeccable taste, I must say I'm quite fond of the woman who's wearing that ring."

Y/N blushed at his compliment, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Smooth talker," She smiled, reaching over to playfully tousle his hair while Jay tilted his head into her touch, enjoying the feel of her fingers in his hair. 

The rest of the road was just the two of them and their playful banter, a stop at an ice cream shop, and then they arrived at their home in Busan. When they got out of the car, she didn't wait for him, only ran upstairs to find Grandma's door open. "Oh, dear," The old woman's eyes widened in delight when Y/N walked to her and wrapped her arms around her in a warm hug. "My darling girl, you're finally back."

Y/N felt a few tears prickling in her eyes as she held her close. "I missed you so much, Grandma. I'm sorry I didn't visit sooner." She pulled away, studying her face and searching her eyes for any signs of despise, but all she found was a love and affection she had always known. "I thought you'd be mad at me." 

"Ah, right," She muttered, slightly hitting Y/N's arm. "How could you let go of Jay when you clearly loved him so much? He cried a lot when you left Busan!"

"Grandma, you promised not to bring that up!" Jay stepped inside the place and Grandma smiled as she watched him approach her. "I missed you." He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against her forehead before he gave her a tight hug. 

"I missed you too, dear," She patted his cheek and stared at him with eyes sparkling with joy. "You're back now and you indeed brought her with you. You're a good man, Jay."

"Don't make me blush in front of my fiancé, she's going to tease me about it." He whispered to Grandma and she frowned at the word 'fiancé' until she spotted the ring on Y/N's finger. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she gasped softly. Then he smiled and rested his hand on Y/N's waist. "Grandma, meet my soon-to-be-wife." 

"Oh, my dears, I couldn't be happier for you." The tears in Grandma's eyes glistened with happiness as she looked back and forth between Y/N and Jay. She reached out and took Y/N's hand, examining the engagement ring. "This is wonderful news."

"Thank you, Grandma," She smiled so warmly at her before she turned to Jay who was gazing at her like she was some sort of miracle. He tilted his head, his dimples deepening as he looked at her. And right then, the sound of people walking upstairs made them look at the door just to find their friends standing there with their eyes wide open. 

"Y/N!" Heran ran to her, giving her one bear-like hug. "You little piece of shit, how could you leave without saying anything to us. You really had us worried!"

Y/N chuckled as Heran's hug threatened to squeeze the life out of her. "I'm sorry, Heran. It was all kind of a whirlwind." She smiled at Sunghoon, Heeseung, Jake and Sunoo who looked at her with surprise and happiness. "I missed you guys too." 

Sunghoon grinned and pulled her into a hug, and the others joined in the group hug. "Damn, I kinda missed you."

"Kinda?" She scoffed, playfully swatting his arm. "Okay, I know I messed up at some point. I know, but now I'm here to stay." Jay stood behind her and protectively wrapped his arms around her waist, smiling at the reunion. "Look at the ring my fiancé got me," Y/N said, extending her hand to show off the sparkling engagement ring.

"Fiancé? Ring?" Heeseung raised his eyebrow and they all stared at the couple as if they had missed the biggest plot twist of the year. "Oh fuck. You're engaged." They nodded at that and everyone in the room burst into cheers and applause. 

Sunoo, always the dramatic, wiped a fake tear from his eye. "I can't believe Hyung is getting married. Jungwon will be devastated."

Jay was about to say that he would still hang out with him when Heran clapped him on the back again, nearly knocking the wind out of him. "Well done, Jay! You finally put a ring on it!" Y/N smiled at her and tilted her head, silently thanking her for her enthusiastic approval.

Hours had passed since the reunion and the two went upstairs, settling the boxes with Y/N's belongings in a corner so they could find them a proper place later. It was night when she got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her as she made her way to the kitchen to drink some water. Until she felt strong arms lift her up on the counter. "Jay!"

"I couldn't help it." He whispered, his eyes locked with hers as he gently brushed a strand of wet hair from her face and kissed her nose playfully. 

"I'm actually not complaining," She wrapped her arms around his neck, her smile radiating pure happiness. His hands rested against her towel as he held her close, slowly leaning in to plant multiple gentle kisses on her lips. "I feel like I'm dreaming."

"Sunshine, you are my dream," Jay whispered, his lips moving from her mouth to her jawline, leaving a trail of sweet kisses. "And you're my woman. This is all real. You and me, forever. Now come on," She let out a gasp when he carried her in his arms, her towel almost slipping off. "Were you going to give me a preview?" 

Her cheeks reddened and she giggled at his teasing. "Do you want a preview?"

"You know I want the whole thing, sunshine," He whispered seductively.

The world could fall away for all they cared; they were there, wrapped in each other's love, and everything was simply better in Busan.

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