"Kau sendiri tau kenapa...kenapa kena tanye aku jugak? Hmmm?" Hani's voice was deeper than usual as she asked Lashira those questions, causing her to feel very nervous.

"Bukan ape, kita orang paham kau nak jawatan Kapla tu tapi nak buat ape?" Broly asked in full of confusion. "Aku nak buat sekolah ni macam dulu balik. Simple kan? Student boleh manifesto, pilihan raya pon ade."

Hani casually answers while wearing her uniform. "Kau nak sekolah kita jadi macam sekolah lelaki? Eh...tak best la gitu." Aleesya disagreed with Hani.

Hani sigh and turn to look at her friend. "Kita semua...ade skills dalam seni bela diri tertentu. Memang betul cara budak lelaki, kalau kau nak jadi Kapla kau kena kuat dari segi fizikal jugak." She state her reason.

"Tapi...aku nak semua student...
tunduk pada aku...dengan jawatan Kapla ni...korang pon akan disanjung...korang tak nak ke? Ha?" Hani asked while smirking. The girls look at each other while smirking viciously.

"Mesti la kita orang nak..." Zarina answer Hani...


"Nisa tak bodoh pon..dia tau ape ade dekat dalam isi hati Hani dengan geng dia. Dia dah berpengalaman." Nurin said to Amilia as they walk side by side.

"Orang yang gila kuasa ni...teringat aku dekat Kapla kita 2 tahun lepas. Kau ingat tak? Sebelum Nisa naik." Nurin immediately stop her track and look at Amilia in pure fear.

"Kau jangan sesekali sebut nama puaka tu...aku dah tak nak dengar nama dia keluar dari mulut sape-sape...ingat." Nurin walk forward, leaving a confused Amilia behind.

"Nurin...ade masalah ke dengan...DIA..." Amilia whisper to herself...


Seeing Arissa not focusing on the lesson, the teacher slams her palm on her table to get her attention. Arissa flinched in shock and looked at the teacher with wide eyes. "Y-Yes Teacher?" She stutters.

"Kamu ni, masalah dekat luar kelas jangan bawak masa tengah belajar! Jangan sebab nama bapak awak, awak boleh buat ape saja yang awak nak!" The teacher scold Arissa.

From afar, Uraissa could see that Arissa's hand slowly formed into a fist, until her knuckles turned white, It looked like she was trying hard to contain her anger. After all, all she did was stare out of the class, no more, no less.

"Uraissa?!" The teacher suddenly shouted her name and she immediately answered. "Yes Teacher!" "Mana Nisa? Tak hadir tapi tak inform? Ini yang buat saya marah ni." Arissa suddenly stood up from her seat, causing the teacher to flinch in shock.

She packed her things up and walked out of the classroom without saying anything, ignoring the teacher that has been calling her multiple times from behind. "Kurang ajar betul..." Uraissa heard the teacher's whispers...

"Dia yang mula...mention bapak orang..." Uraissa rolls her eyes and does the same thing as Arissa did. They never liked the teacher anyway.

"HAHAHAHA, dah agak dah, kau mesti keluar jugak!" Uraissa hit the back of Arissa's head. "Diam ah. Macam minah tu tak tau je bapak kita tu macam mana..." Arissa expression change into annoyed one.

"Dia bukan dapat merasa bapak terlibat dalam politik...dah la, jom cari Nisa. Aku risau sangat ni." The older one nod her head and both of them begin their searching for their Kapla.

On the way, they bumped into Nurin, who was carrying a bunch of books and was on her way to class. "Ehh korang takde kelas ke sekarang?" Nurin asks them in confusion as she frowns. "Ade je. Tapi...entah la cikgu tu, cari pasal dengan adik aku." Uraissa rolls her eyes once again.

Nurin immediately knew which teacher Uraissa was talking about. "Dah tu, korang buat ape kat sini?" Nurin asked again. "Cari Nisa. Dari semalam lagi dia tak balik dorm, kita orang risau la." Arissa sighs in frustration.

"Cuba cari dekat toilet. Tadi aku dengar ade budak mengadu, satu pintu stall terkunci...entah-entah..." Nurin shrugged off her shoulder and walked away. The twins look at each other and immediately run towards the toilet.

They burst in without warning and shout. "NISA! NISA! NISA!!!" But they received no response. Arissa starts to open the stall door one by one aggressively, in the hope of finding Nisa. Just like Nurin said, one of the stalls was locked from the inside.

"Kakak, aku rasa kita kena pecahkan pintu ni." Arissa said. Uraissa nodded in agreement, and together they kicked the door with all their might. Their jaws dropped as they gazed upon the horrific view before them...



Sofya, Ayuni, and the twin couldn't take their eyes off Nisa's petite figure as Sofya's parents were checking up on her. They don't have a choice but to call Sofya's parents for help. "Macam mana boleh jadi macam ni Arissa..." Sofya's mother asked softly.

"Kita orang tak tau Auntie...masa kita orang jumpa Nisa, dia dah penuh darah. Tangan d-dia..." Arissa said as she was on the verge of crying. Uraissa stroked her sister's back before replying.

"Tangan dia penuh dengan kesan toreh, penuh dengan darah, kesan tikam kat perut dia pun ada. Macam...entah la." "Dalam kes macam ni...dia nak bersihkan diri dia dengan cara menyakitkan diri dia sendiri...
ini...ada kaitan dengan mental."

Now it is Sofya's father's turn to speak. "Boleh korang keluar kejap?" The girls immediately understand what they are going to do and obediently walk out of the nurse's room.

Tuan Yusof was seen to be standing outside the nurse's room as he waited for the news about Nisa. "Jadi...?" He asked. Ayuni sighed before answering him. "Doktor jahit luka Nisa, pasal keadaan Nisa...dia tak bagitahu lagi."

"Buat masa ni, saya kena call dulu Dato Abu Yamin untuk update pasal keadaan Nisa ni. Sebab...Abu Yamin tu, tetap la bapak dia." Tuan Yusof was about to walk away when Sofya immediately stop him.

"Ehhhh tunggu Tuan. Baik jangan update pasal keadaan Nisa dekat sini, tak memberi apa-apa manfaat pun dekat Nisa. The last time Tuan Yusof call Abu Yamin, Kahar kena tampar, apetah lagi dengan Nisa." Sofya beg.

"Tapi Abu Yamin tu kan penjaga dia-" "Nisa sendiri tak nak jumpa langsung bapak dia, jadi Tuan Yusof takde hak untuk call bapak dia sesuka hati." Ayuni protest and it leaves him no choice...he walk away without saying anything further.

The girls sigh in relief and wait for Sofya's parents to call them.


"Hai~ dari tadi lagi aku nampak kau tersengih-sengih. Asal kau ni?" Alya looked at her best friend, weirdly. "Takde lah...Kahar sms, update pasal keadaan dia, tu je." Fatin replied most nonchalantly, before keeping her phone inside her pocket.

"Eleh, tapi tersengih macam selipar koyak. Sudah lah, kawan kau ni dah la single. Eh cousin kau single kan?" Alya sit beside Fatin while smiling cheekily. "Mana ada, Naim sebok dengan Mia, Fakhri dengan...Nisa? Mungkin?"

Alya looks at Fatin in disbelief. Before she could say any further, the door burst open, revealing Nurin full of sweat. She looked like she running all the way here. "Kau dah kenapa Kak?" The little one asked.

"Nisa...dia cuba bunuh diri..." Alya and Fatin look at Nurin in shock...

To be continue...

Note: Author will stop upload for awhile ya? Final exam has just begun so I need to focus. Thank youu~~

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