Chapter three

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Lavender walked around the bright green forest. The sky was clear blue and there were tiny clouds.

"What is that" Lavender said.
A red house was surrounded by cut trees.
She heard someone yelling and laughing and lavender ran up to the house and peaked from a corner.
She saw some animals in there being forced to train and fight.
"Oh no" Lavender whispered.
Lavender quietly walked into the den and hid in a little hole. She was looking around for the key so she could free all of these animals.

Ms. Bell walked into the other room and Lavender quickly spotted the keys and she grabbed them.
Lavender unlocked the chains and the animals ran out.

"What's going on here!" Ms. Bell yelled.
"You" She glared at Lavender.
Lavender backed up and looked at Ms. Bell with some fear.
"Oh your dead" She laughed.
Lavender yowled for her group.
Ms. Bell ran up to her and bit her throat.
Lavender tried to yell but she couldn't make a sound.

Cats came flooding in and all leaped onto Ms. Bell and attacked her.
She let go of lavender and attacked the other cats attacking her.
Lavender would leap at Ms. Bell's neck and bit it, lavender's claws dug into her fur and torn it open.
No matter how many times the cats got flung off they kept attacking and ripping fur into the air.
Ms. Bell threw all of the cats except lavender into a large metal cage.

Without hesitation, Ms. Bell ran at lavender and started bitting her neck again.
Lavender desperately slashed at Ms. Bells snout untill she let go.
"You can be my new slave" She giggled.
Ms. Bell started laughing even in pain.
Lavender looked at her in horror.
They both viciously attacked each other, and the rest of the cats mewed for help.
Dragon wings flapped and moonfall and night charged into the house and pinned down Ms. Bell.
The nightwings torn open the cage and grabbed all of the cats including lavender and the midnightwings flew off.
"Oh they won't get away that easily" she giggled.
She started laughing as blood slowly dripped down her fur.

Once they got home Waterfall touches all of the cats to heal them.
"How did you do that?" Lavender asked.
"I can heal" she said.
"Thanks Moonfall and Night" Waterfall thanked them.
They both nodded.

The TV suddenly turned on and eveyone sat down to see the news.
"Attention eveyone" The person on the TV said with a scared tone.
"Ms. Bell has something to say to you all-" She said but before she could Finnish Ms. Bell pushed her away to make an announcement.
"I am going to catch all of my former slaves" she said.
"But before I do I want to get that lavender" Ms. Bell added.
"Who ever finds her gets one billion dollars" She said evily.
"Oh and lavender if your watching, I'm coming for you" She laughed.
The TV flickered then turned off.

Everyone panicked and ran around the room.
"Were all gonna die!" Puffball screamed.
"What are we gonna do!" Blizzard yelled.
"What if fire gets hurt!" Lava panicked.
"Everyone calm down" lavender said loudly for all of there attention.
"I know this is but but-" lavender stopped talking.

Suddenly there were paw steps charging there way.
"Hide!" lavender yelled.
They all hid in the best area they could find.
The animals ran in the den and threw everything.
They stomped, yelled and crushed everything in the den.
"I need that money!" A yellow wolf yelled and smiled as he ruined the stuff in the den.

A wolf ran into the den and started pushing everyone out of the den. The powerfully gusts sent them flying but they tried running back. They eventually gave up and ran far away.
The wolf looked back away from the entrance. His galaxy-like fur sparkled and his white eyes shined like stars glittering in the night sky.
Everything in the den was fixed and normal, Then the wolf faded away.
they waited a bit before walking out of their hiding spots.
"What the heck was that" Blizzard said.
"I don't know, but I think we just found ourselves a huge problem" Lava said

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