The Handsome Doctor

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Summary: You are a regular visitor in Forks emergency room

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Summary: You are a regular visitor in Forks emergency room. However this time was different, there was a new doctor.
TW: Anxiety


"Fuck!", you yelled out in pain on the cool ground. "Everything okay Y/N?!", you heard your neighbour yell. Charlie Swan rushed towards you from his yard, he had been doing snow work, because last night it had been snowing.

Unfortunately under the new thick snow layer was a deadly layer of ice. And of course you had slipped and fallen. Your wrist was killing you and your head was hurting.

"Oh no", Charlie muttered with a frown when he helped you to get up. You really liked Charlie, he was like a father to you. You hadn't seen his daughter Bella for a long time, but you talked over the phone very often. She was like a sister to you.

"This really isn't my day", you stated laughing a humourless laugh. You needed to close your eyes and breathe, the pain was bad.

"We need to get you to the hospital", Charlie said firmly helping you towards his car. You knew there was no arguing back, Charlie cared for you. You were like a daughter to him, so you didn't say anything against it.

"The doctors already hate me, Laura always looks at me like I am shit that's stuck at her shoe", you whined getting to the car. Charlie couldn't help, but roll his eyes. He however couldn't really say the opposite, it would have been a lie.

"A doctor's job is to help people as long as they do their job we are happy", he said getting behind the wheel and starting the car engine. He however was going to make sure no one would be rude towards you this time.

It was a long drive to the hospital. Charlie tried his best to lighten up the mood, but to no avail. You were anxious about the hospital, they didn't like you. A few nurses liked you and were super nice to you. However the doctor there didn't like you, and how hard you tried you couldn't figure out why. The looks she gave made you nauseous.

"Okay, we are here", Charlie said snapping you back to reality. "You really don't need to come with me, I know you need to get to work", you said trying to smile.

"Nonsense, I will make sure they treat you well", he said getting out of the car and making his way to the passenger side of the car to help you out. He opened the door and you gave him a genuine smile.

"Thank you Charlie, I can't thank you enough", you said carefully hopping out of the car.

"I will always make sure you are okay", he said smiling.

You both made your way towards the hospital and you soon found yourself sitting once again in the emergency room bed. Charlie was standing right beside you like a protective father does.

You had your head down hair covering your face. You fidgeted with your fingers from the anxiety that was getting to you quite badly. A few tears were rolling down at your face.

Why you always were so clumsy? You felt like a burden to everyone.

"Y/N Y/L/N?", asked a voice. The voice sent shivers to your spine, it was so smooth and calm, so beautiful that you could listen to that voice for hours.

"Yes?", you mumbled, but didn't look up. Your anxiety was so bad that you just wanted to disappear.

"She has anxiety, Doctor...?", Charlie stepped in. You had never met this doctor either and you were quite often here. You were eager to know his name.

"Cullen. Carlisle Cullen", Dr. Cullen answered and you could almost hear the smile in his voice.

You kept your eyes closed while a few tears escaped, you hated yourself for crying. The situation just felt too much, it felt like you were drowning.

"Could you tell me why you are here Y/N?", Dr. Cullen asked gently trying to make you look at him.

You froze, no words came out. You felt your heart beating so fast that you feared having a heart attack.

"She did fall outside and hurt her wrist and head", Charlie told Dr. Cullen eying the new doctor. He seemed more like a doctor in a soap opera than a doctor who would work in a small town hospital.

"Okay. I am going to take a look at your wrist. Is that okay Y/N?", Dr. Cullen asked softly while looking at you to find any reasons to not approach you.

You nodded keeping your eyes shut. A faint gasp escaped your mouth when his cold hands touched your hurt wrist.

Finally you opened your eyes and was met with almost unnaturally pale hands examining your wrist.

"Just tell me if something feels bad", Dr. Cullen told you.

"Okay", you said finally looking at him. You forgot how to breathe in that moment.

He was better looking than any movie star you had ever seen. His blonde hair, more honey coloured than an icey blond. His pale skin was smooth without any imperfections. And his eyes coloured like honey gold, and after a moment they met yours.

You felt your heart skip a beat. Embarrassment filled you, you possibly cannot be crushing over your doctor. God, he must be married already, but he really doesn't look that old, but a bit tired. Finally you realised to look away from his captivating gaze.

You inspected his hands, there was no ring at his finger. How is that possible?

"I think you have a fractured wrist. We need to take an x-ray. Now if you look here-", he explained and raised his finger. You focused your gaze on his finger while he took out his flashlight.

"You have a concussion too. We may need to keep you here for the night", he said looking at you with sympathy. He noticed how you tensed up.

"Okay", you said again simply. Not knowing what else to say without sounding too stupid.

"I can bring you some stuff from your home", Charlie promised.

"You don't need-", you tried to protest, but Charlie gave you a look that made you shut up. Dr. Cullen had a small smile on his face.

"Thanks Charlie", you mumbled looking back at your lap where your hands layed.

"Thank you Dr. Cullen", Charlie said firmly before giving you a last glance before leaving. Charlie was certain that Dr. Cullen made sure you were fine.

"The nurse will come get you soon", Carlisle stated putting the flashlight back in his pocket.

"Thank you Dr. Cullen", you mumbled quietly being sure he didn't hear you.

"You can call me Carlisle", he said making you look at him. He had a soft smile on his face. He wanted to make you feel more comfortable. You blushed slightly and put your head back down, your cheeks felt like they were on fire.

Then Jackie one of the nurses came rushing to get Carlisle. There was something urgent.

When they left you were alone with your thoughts. However instead of them being heavy or nasty thoughts you couldn't help but think about the handsome doctor.

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