What You Can Expect

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Beta Reading
After submission, I will read your manuscript. I'll try to read it twice if possible and as I read I'll provide inline comments. After reading, I'll prepare a beta reader report. If you have a template you'd like me to follow let me know.

The report will consist of my honest opinion about the opening scene, characters, dialogue, pacing, overall impression, etc.

Grammar/ Spelling Mistakes
I can help you correct simple grammatical or spelling errors, but you'll have to specifically request for it. I can also help yourearrange sentences to ensure clarity for readers.

I'm no professional, but I can make things a lot easier for your editor or proofreader.

If I you didn't ask me to help you with grammatical mistakes and I find them to be excessive, I might stop reading.

Submitting the Report
Time of submission will not be fixed. As this is not my main job, I have to focus on other things. Hence, submission can be earlier or later but I'll make sure to keep you updated.

I will not receive money for my services but I'll appreciate it if you credit me when you post/publish your book.

I'm not be a professional beta reader but I've been an avid reader for over 10 years. I know what quality writing looks like. You can count on me to provide constructive feedback.

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