Word is out! Preparing for the Engagement Party!

Start from the beginning

The younger neko remained confused, but nodded knowing that she would likely not get a full answer yet. 

Kuroka however, was not so easily convinced. She could read between the lines, and the subtle implications made in Zeoticus' statement worried her. "If that's the case, then why not send someone with him when he goes to learn of his heritage? He's clearly an important part of many people's lives, and seemingly more so in the future." She asked in concern and growing curiosity.

Venalana decided to speak up this time, "Its due to no one related to any devil family being allowed to join him, this being one of the conditions set for his journey." 

Kuroka however, realized something important right then and there. "Wait a minute, I'm not affiliated to any major devil household, especially now that my previous...peerage, is dead and gone. I can go with him!"

Everyone else was surprised at her pointing out such a seemingly obvious loophole to the aforementioned condition. Rias however, was not sure what to think. 

While yes, having someone strong go with Rune would help keep him safe, and she knew Kuroka was strong given the few conversations they've had already and by simply feeling her abundant mana. But, she was not thrilled to leave Rune alone for goodness knows how long with someone that has already tried getting into his pants before. She began to gnaw on her fingernail in frustration.

The elder Gremory couple noticed this and chuckled a bit, before turning to Kuroka to address her statement. "We, admittedly did not think of that as a viable option, given that any devil not affiliated with a devil family tends to be of the more criminal sort. But you do raise a good point young one." Zeoticus spoke with a hint of appreciation in his tone, before Venalana spoke up next.

"This is not going to be an easy hike young lady. This will be a long and arduous venture fraught with danger, especially the challenges Rune must face during it. Do you know how to survive in the wilderness? How to hunt and forage for food? How to build shelters from your surroundings? How to orient yourself using the sun and the stars? How to sail? Sure, you're certainly strong for your age, but do you know how to use that power and how to survive? Because if you go with Rune, you must pull your own weight. You will NOT be a burden to him." She spoke with a stern tone, scaring the rest of the occupants in the room.

Kuroka, while intimidated by the Gremory matriarch's sudden shift in tone, would not back down. "I may now know the necessary skills to survive like he does, but I can learn. If I can provide help and safety during his journey, then I will do everything in my power to do so. I, at the very least, owe him this much after he saved my sister and I. And I refuse to sit here and not pay that debt back. I already planned on having him be my new and rightful master anyway. I will follow him wherever he goes whether he likes it or not." Kuroka said with both her golden and magenta eyes glowing in fierce determination. 

The occupants of the room were surprised at her bold and fierce statement. Zeoticus and Venalana smiled, Akeno was impressed, Rias was grumbling adorably but was also silently impressed, and Shirone was both amazed and worried for her older sister. It was the smallest occupant in the room that broke the silence first.

"But big sis, are you sure? Its dangerous. And I don't want you to leave me." Shirone hugged Kuroka tightly as her eyes stung with tears, causing the elder Neko to hug her tightly and pat her head reassuringly before responding, "I won't ever leave you my precious Shirone, and you know that your big sis is strong, you can't be rid of me that easily. Besides, with how much Rune has been spoiling you since he saved us you know that we'll always come back just to make sure you don't ever cry again."

Everyone smiled at the cute sibling moment, though unfortunately it couldn't last as Zeoticus spoke. "Well, unfortunately Rune being anyone's master via a peerage wouldn't be possible as far as we know. He isn't a devil, not even partially, and thus is unable to use the evil piece system like we do." Venalana stopped him from saying more by jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow causing him to momentarily lose his breath before she took over after noticing the dejected look in Kuroka's eyes.

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