Word is out! Preparing for the Engagement Party!

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As the meeting between Rune and the four Satans was underway, a similar gathering could be found in the Gremory household composed of the elder Gremory couple, Rias, Akeno, Kuroka, and Shirone.

Sitting on one of the seats of her father's office round the discussion table she sighed in exasperation. "Are we sure he has to go alone on this journey of his father? I hate not being able to go with him to help." Akeno nodded in frustration beside her, while the Nekoshou siblings were still mostly in the dark regarding this supposed journey Rune has to go on.

Kuroka decides to intervene with a question of her own. "What is this journey of his anyway? Is it dangerous? And why does he have to go alone?" The smaller of the neko siblings nodded to the questioning. She may not have known the Gremory's and Rune for long, but she did like that he tended to spoil her with sweets and how he kept trying to make her smile when he was around. She was worried for him. 

Zeoticus and Venalana both nodded solemnly, before Zeoticus spoke up. "Right, you're still not truly aware of his situation. It's, complicated. Rune is a special existence, even among the supernatural world. He is to discover his heritage in order to grow further both as a man, and as a warrior. This journey would allow him to discover his heritage in relation to his mother, the ageless queen of her lands and peerless warrior."

The neko siblings eyes widened in surprise. Kuroka had made the comparison to Rune being a king in her own flustered and broken mind at the time, she did not think it was literal. Though, it oddly fit him if someone asked her. Shirone meanwhile had stars in her big golden eyes, which belied her stoic expression that only held a small smile. "He's a prince?!" They both asked.

The rest of the group chuckled slightly at their surprise, with Venalana having the same issue as Rune in trying to stop herself from hugging the cute younger neko to death, as Rias spoke up this time. "It came as a shock to Akeno and myself as well. And once we get married I'll be a real princess!" She squealed in childish delight. Causing two of the 3 young ladies in the room to not so subtly pout in irritation. Something Velanana was quick to notice.

The Gremory matriarch spoke up to remind Rias of an important fact, as well as get the ball rolling on her 'master' plan. "Don't forget sweetheart, Rune has to marry more than just one woman, and you know why. The second bride to be has already been chosen unfortunately. However, I have it on good authority that there 4 other ladies interested in him as of now. And that's not including his own arraigned marriage." 

Rias immediately started pouting in both jealousy and possessiveness. Causing the adults in the room to chuckle. However, Akeno held a smile at the reminder of his situation. Though she was still unsure if what she was feeling was romantic in nature, or simply admiration and boundless gratitude. She would wait and see. 

Kuroka however, was a strange mix of elated and incredibly jealous. She did NOT want to share HER king with any other harlots that may be after him. She was only now coming to appreciate the company of both Rias and Akeno as genuinely kind and friendly young ladies. And while forever grateful to the Gremory's for saving and housing them, she would not back down. Though she did wonder why he had to marry several women to begin with.

Poor little Shirone was looking around in confusion. While she may have been through a harrowing experience for the last 6 years of her life, she still had much to learn and time to mature. She is still only 10 after all. 

As they room calmed down, Shirone decided to make her own question known. "Why is he marrying so many people anyway?"

Rias sighs, and looks away with a pout, causing her parents and Akeno to chuckle at her attitude as Zeoticus spoke up. "There are some rather, complicated circumstances surrounding that decision. But the most important parts are this. Due to his familial circumstances, he has to have more than one romantic partner. And its also due to the aforementioned political issues we discussed earlier."

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