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Waking up today was somehow different. I have been lying on my bed staring at whatever was in front of me—staring at nothingness. I'm not too fond of this feeling of freshness that was growing along with the time. 

More than this, I'm shocked that I had a good night's sleep yesterday despite having a lot of worries that kept me up. My results, my future, my... Oh. . . and him as well.

'I hate you so much, (Y/N).'

The sound rang in my ears as I immediately stood up and walked towards the bathroom. This is certainly not the time to be recalling what happened yesterday. I leaned against the door and slid down quickly after locking it.

The new sensation that had been emerging now vanished, overshadowed by fear. The last thing I should have done was to provoke him. Not to mention that he left without saying anything, staring at me with those steely blue eyes of his.

I ruffled my hair and pressed my cheeks together to calm myself down.

"That's alright. That won't be an issue for long." I tell myself as I get to my feet and decide to get ready for the day.


"How come? What do you mean???"

I hear my mother's frightened voice coming from the kitchen as I get down the stairs.

"That's not fine!"

By the time I got downstairs, my mother had sprinted from the kitchen with the phone in her ear and stopped directly in front of me.

"I'll take care of you when I visit you in Hiroshima. Since you are by yourself there, it's the best option for you. I'll talk to you later." She glanced at me after hanging up. "Well isn't this a 'great' morning news, your fathers got ill and can't even get up from his bed," she said with a groan.

"What? And you are going to Hiroshima?"

"Indeed, someone needs to take care of him, but you're preoccupied with your affairs and fretting about it." 


"No buts. I have made the decision. You are old enough to do things by yourself." She pats me on my shoulder. "He will be fine when I'll be with him. So, don't worry." She smiles and heads to her room leaving me puzzled.

"I didn't even get to say anything," I mumbled, not knowing what to do.

I cast a quick peek at the living room wall clock. It was about eight o'clock. My mother had changed her clothes and was carrying a duffel bag when I finally had a chance to determine what to do.

"Do I need to say more? Take care of yourself. I won't be gone for long if he recovers quickly." She said as she walked to the front door to put on her shoes and planted a kiss on my cheeks. "See you in a couple of days."

"I guess so," I reply.

Upon considering countless options, and spending half of the day, I ultimately made the decision to be ready for my reexamination. Which, if my memory serves me well, will be around the end of this month or the next. I've turned off my class group chat so I haven't even seen the messages.

But first, I suppose it would be better if I bought some dinner. I don't want to cook a five-star meal, so buying some ramen and light snacks will be enough for now.

After putting on my jacket, I left the house with my mother's grocery tote bag in hand. I locked up the front door and started to walk to the convenience store.


"Ramen, mango juice, soda, potato chips, sour candies..." I trailed over my words after mentioning every item on my list of food items in the basket. I hope these last for at least three days, but I doubt I will. These don't seem enough. Perhaps I should also include cookies and coffee.

I stroll over to the distant corner where cookies are kept. After selecting a packet and checking the box, I place it inside the basket after being happy with my choice. However, before I could approach the counter, my attention was drawn to something else. The compartment of cigarettes was positioned on the opposite side of the cookies.

I gulped.

Now that I think about it, I dropped them all yesterday, so there are none left. 

'Maybe I should take one box just in case.'

I walked towards it and my eyes immediately landed on the brand I normally take. One hand was exactly over the box as I was ready to take it from my grasp. The unexpected action startled me, and I turned to face the person.

". . ."

That intense green gaze piercing into my soul was the moment my soul abandoned its body. 

"You can take it," I said immediately backing off. I stood there awkwardly, holding the basket in my hands, and his attention never left me. But something caught my attention then when I looked back at him.

That scar...

That scar on his lips. If I recall correctly, wasn't he the guy I offered my smoke to yesterday?

Yes, THAT is him.

"We meet again, Miss." He speaks, breaking the long-term silence that was lingering between us. 

"Y-yes." Oh damn. I again, didn't mean to stutter there.

"You seem really nice." He commented and reached out to his pocket to get something. 

Goddamnit, he is huge. 

"I believe this belongs to you." He said, handing me the lighter which he had taken yesterday.

"Oh, thank you." I examine it and tuck it into my pocket. And he wasn't there when I turned to look back. I looked back and forth in an attempt to search for him. Did he disappear before me?

"I am meeting a lot of weird people these days." I sighed to myself and walked over to the counter. 

I exited the store still baffled about the scarred man encounter. 


A low groan escaped.

Not from me obviously. 

And I know for a fact that groan is very familiar. My heartbeat quickened. Right now, I am fighting demons not to turn around. I want to walk. Heck no. I want to run away. My body refuses to move, no matter how badly I want to go. I'm gulping down the lump in my throat while standing unmoving with my heart pounding.

I can feel his aura, getting closer.

"Not very courageous to turn, are we?"

He sounded very normal. Normal as in his cocky ass tone of speaking which of course bothered me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Excuse me, I can't hear you over the fact of how wrong you are," I speak, surprisingly steadily. I looked over in his direction. 

"Gojo Satoru."

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