♡ Quality Time♡

Start from the beginning

"I thought you said you text her good morning every day?" Hunter says. Luz blinks for a moment, before groaning. "Ah! THAT'S what I was forgetting!"

Willow grumbles, drawing a spell circle in the air. Nothing happens for a moment, then a large bundle of vines pops out of the ground and spits out the Twins.

"Gah! Willow! How many times do we have to tell you to stop doing that?!"

"As many as it takes to get me off, now listen. Your sister is missing in the school. And I'm thinking it's probably your guys' fault." Willow crosses her arms, looking down at the twins. "What?! What could we have done?!"

"Isolated her from her friends?"

"Taken all of her free time away from her?"

"Be yourselves???"

The twins stay seated on the floor, both with crossed arms. "We didn't do anything. She probably just wanted to get an early start to her next class. You know how she is." Emira says. Luz nods quickly. "That's right! I'll meet her after class and see if she's okay."

The bell screams, signaling the end of lunch. Willow sighs. "Fine. But she'd better be completely fine when I see her. All smiles, got it?"

The three nod quickly, everyone heading off to their respective classes.

~At The End Of The Day~

Willow slams her locker door shut and walks towards Luz's, where the Human and the Blight Twins seem to be conversing nervously. "Hey guys? Any luck finding Amity?" She asks, causing the other three to freeze.

Edric gulps, "Before we answer, promise you won't kill us."

And that told Willow everything she needed to know.

"I figured as much." She says, pulling out her scroll. "Which is why I called in reinforcements." She starts typing. Within seconds, Hunter and Gus appear at Willow's side, with Skara coming in hot from the other side of the hall.

"Anyone, any luck?" She asks. The others shake their heads.




Willow sighs. "Alright. Looks like we're doing this the old-fashioned wa-" she looks around the group. "Wait, where's Viney?"

Then, her scroll rings. After checking and seeing Viney's picture, she decides to answer and put it on speaker. "Heyo. How's your search going?" She asks into the phone. "Okay, so I've got good news and bad news. Which one you want first?" Viney's voice says. The others crowd around the scroll. Willow thinks for a moment. "Give me the good news."

"Uh... the GOOD news is that I technically found her...." Viney says. The others gasp. "That's great! Where is she?" Willow asks.

"Yeah, that's the bad news..."


The others all push themselves into the Healing Homeroom, seeing Amity laying unconscious on a cot. Luz immediately rushes to Amity's side. Everyone looks at Viney. "What the hell happened?!" Edric asks. Viney shrugs. "I don't know the specifics. The teacher just said she was freaking out and had to be given a sedative to calm down."


"You sedated our sister?" Emira asks, flabbergasted. Viney shakes her head. "I didn't do anything. The teacher did."

"She didn't say anything about why Amity had a breakdown?" Willow asks. Viney shakes her head again. "Nope. But apparently she missed all of her afternoon classes."

Locked Out Of Love (The Owl House) (Aladarius) Where stories live. Discover now