- What happens if we don't respect it?

- If any name, any photo, any information about what's going on here comes out, the price will be well, really high.

- What do you mean?

- You'll need to give a lot of money, like half of your economic capital , and we'll give info to the media that you do not want to see in front of the eyes of everyone.

- That seems clear to me.

He hands me a pen and I quickly read the document to make sure there is nothing else I should know before signing.

I finally sign under the gaze of Verstappen who didn't say a word.
I hand out the contract to the man who nods.

"Welcome to the party, I hope everything will be as you wish, have a nice night.

- Thank you."

The Dutchman offers me his arm again and I take it without really thinking.

He's dragging me across the huge mansion. I wouldn't be able to go back to where we came from without his help. Luckily he seems to know where he's going.

We cross a wide corridor before suddenly entering a large hall decorated in a way that reminds me of the Opera Garnier in Paris.

I'm not an expert in architecture, but I can tell it's an old ballroom.

Many guests talk in small groups, glasses of champagne in hand.

The Dutchman drags me to a table before stepping away from me to get us drinks.

He hands me one with a smile.

I catch it without daring to say a word.

"What do you think of it?"

The Dutchman asks me gently without letting go of my eyes. I'm embarrassed by the intensity with which he stares at me since we entered, but I try not to let anything appear on my face.

"I don't really know what to think right now.

- Ummm... you're hard to convince... but don't worry, I haven't shown you everything yet.

- Getting me to sign confidentiality agreements is not the way to regain my trust.

He laughs at my remark.

- Of course not."

An uncomfortable silence ensues between us. I'm staring at the champagne in my glass without knowing what to say. I can feel the pilot's burning gaze on me.

I cast a quick glance in his direction but his eyes are already on me and my gaze strays for a moment into the blue irises in front of me.

Verstappen opens his mouth slightly, hesitant to speak. I'm not sure I want to know what he wants to tell me.

"You're beautiful, Charles."

My heart misses a beat and a strange heat runs through my body without me being able to understand what is happening. I feel my cheeks warm, but before I have time to react, a woman's voice is restrained.

"Max Emilian Verstappen!"

The Dutchman turns around slowly and my gaze follows his movement before stumbling upon an elderly woman with a wide smile and makeup with color. She opens her arms before briefly greeting the Dutchman against her in a hug.

I'm looking at the scene trying to figure out what's going on.

"You haven't been here for so long!

- I've been very busy since I became world champion.

Shameless - lestappenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ