Remus had to look away from her, he couldn't bare it.

"Eighty-four times you had a forceful Legilimens spell cast on you in three hours Remus. Eighty-four times. Do you understand how irresponsible and dangerous that is?" She seethed and the scan dissappeared as Black passed her a blue vial, "I don't know who done this to you but you are to stop it."

"Legilimens?" Evan asked and he looked just as angry as Pomfrey nodded. She popped the cork off the top and held it to Remus' lips and he, embarrassed, tilted his head back and drank it.

He'd never felt so terrible.

Not once in the six years he'd been here had he angered Madam Pomfrey and he'd been in here at least once a month for six years. He'd also worried her sick, he could tell it on her face, it'd only been a couple hours interval but she looked white and shallow.
He also made the rest of them worry sick, even Black who he wasn't even friends with.

He couldn't bare to look at anyone so he just looked at the floor.

"You're free to go. Rosier and Black make sure he gets back alright. Mr..Black," the repeat of the surname felt awkward as she spoke to Black, "you run along to your common room, you all have clearance till you get to your common rooms so you won't be stopped."

All of them nodded and Remus pushed himself to his feet and unsteadily kept his balance.

"You are not continuing those lessons. You've had just one and look at the state of you." Evan hissed once they'd escaped from Black, neither of them seemed to care that Regulus was overhearing anymore. It wasn't like he really had anyone to tell apart from them.

"I don't have to listen to you Rosier."
"Oh don't you dare Rosier me Remus. I will hex you into next week."
"No you wouldn't."
"You're right. But no more lessons."
"Fine!" Remus yelled, albeit angry and upset.

He moved quicker and went ahead of the pair of them.
"I'll make sure he gets up to bed alright." He heard Regulus tell Evan.

When they got into the common room, Evan kept down the stairs while he and Regulus turned at the third floor towards Remus' room.

"I don't nees supervision. I'm fine." Remus told Regulus who scoffed and stopped Remus walking, by shoving him into a wall by his shoulder, causing him to grunt.
"Yeah right Remus. I'm not an idiot."

Remus didn't meet his eyes and looked off to his left angrily.

"Why are you taking Occlumency lessons with Snape?" Regulus asked and Remus didn't answer him, "don't make me repeat the question Remus."

Remus shuddered at the authoritive tone and his eyes obediently made eye contact.
"You saw why."
"You and Evan?" Regulus asked and Remus nodded as he smiled weakly, "Why do you need Occlumency for that?"

Remus laughed bitterly.
"When I go home at break, my memories are stripped bare and practically laid out on a table for Fenrir to see, and if he sees that, if he sees what I feel. What I think-" Remus choked on the air as he tried to calm down, "he'll kill me Regulus." He managed and Regulus looked passive for a few moments but Remus spoke before he could.

"And- and I need to try and get as close to mastering Occlumency as quick as possible, we go back home soon. Now I can't do the lessons anymore and Snape said I need someone who knows and is okay with it to look after me because at the rate of which he has too teach me in such little time can he damaging. And now that Evans-"

" I'll do it. " Regulus interrupted ans Remus eyed him.
" What? "
"I'll do it. I'll be the one to look after you."
"Well it's better to be sick then dead right? I really don't want you dying Remus, you're a really good friend and a great boss." Regulus told him, "And, im pretty good at potions so i can prepare the pain relief potions to save Snape the trouble." Regulus let out a laugh as Remus pulled him into a hug
"You're brilliant Reg. So brilliant."

"One question though." Regulus stated and Remus nodded as he pulled back, keeping his hands on the younger boys shoulders.
"Wouldn't Fenrir be scared of the consequences of killing you? Valeska wouldn't be happy, he'd kill him too."

"Oh. Well Fenrir isn't scared of Valeska Regulus. I don't think he's scared of anything actually." Remus joked but it wasn't really a joke. He actually didnt think Fenrir was scared of anything at all. 12 years and Remus had never seen him even flinch.

"I disagree." Regulus stated as be fixed the sleeves which had rolled up on his top, "I think he's probably scared of you."

Remus was sure he'd never laughed so hard in his life. Wiping away a tear he pat Regulus' shoulder and headed for his dorm room,

"You're funny Regulus."
"That wasn't a joke."


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