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As Max promised he picked Alice from her house by 7 PM, as they arrived in the airport they walked until Max's private jet

"Daniel and Lando and Luisa are here!" Max said and Alice hugged all of them

"So from today I am not a princess! Until the vacation will end!" Alice said laughing and sitting next to Luisa

The flight until Amsterdam was 40 minutes away, as they arrived there Max drove himself and Alice to his appointment

"Just don't be afraid!" Max said and the princess nodded "Im here for you! Don't worry!"

"Thank you" Alice said, Max unlocked the apartment and they both walked in

Alice closed the door behind and she turned to Max

"You haven't given me a kiss!" Alice said acting mad and Max placed a kiss on her lips

"Better?" The Dutch asked laughing

"So much better" Alice walked in the balcony door window open it, she walked in the balcony looking at the beautiful Amsterdam city, Max walked after her

"Do you like it?" Max asked placing a kiss in her neck "It's one of my favourite views"

"Yes I really do love it" Alice answered "my dream is have a bicycling experience here in Amsterdam!"

"We can go! I have an interview tomorrow at 10 in the morning and I'll end by 1! So we can go for lunch and then for bicycling" Max answered and Alice turned to him "I want you to tell me everything and I will help you to achieve it"

"Max it's so funny! I mean until yesterday I didn't know and now we are in Amsterdam together" Alice replied and Max smiled at her

"It was love at first sight, Alice" Max kissed her gently "I know it'll be hard but we have to work on it!"

"I'm sorry if I don't know anything but I really don't know what to do on a relationship!" Alice said feeling awkward

"Don't worry! You can ask me whatever you want! And if it's a bullshit ask me! I have no problem!" Max said placing a kiss on her forehead

"I'm hungry" Alice said and the Dutch laughed

"We can order pizza" Max said grabbing his phone from his pocket "Pepperoni?"

Alice nodded, Max called somewhere to order the pizza and he was talking Dutch so the Belgian Princess didn't understand anything

"Sorry about that but we are in the Netherlands and I have to speak my native language!" Max said and they both laughed

"It's completely normal! Don't worry!" Alice said

"What about a movie on Netflix?" Max asked "What about Jumanji?"

"I am letting that on you!" Alice said laughing "Can I go in? It's cold here?"

"Why are you asking? Of course you can! Let's go!" Max and Alice walked in the apartment with the Dutch closing the door window behind "don't ask such stupid questions! You were cold so you had to be in!"

"You are right I'm sorry" Alice said laughing and she walked in her suitcase that was standing in front of the door

"Let me take this to your room" Max and Alice walked in the bedroom she would stay for the days she would be in Amsterdam

The room was big and grey, nothing like Alice had used to be! Her bedroom back in the palace is so classic and aesthetic

"It's beautiful" Alice said opening the curtains "and nice view!"

"The door here of for the bathroom, I have there shower gel shampoo conditioner toothpaste and toothbrush" Max said and Alice turned to him

"You are such a good person" the princess said waking to him "thank you for everything"

"We can do whatever you want when you want!" Max winked at her "let's go in the living room for now and watch the movie"

The pizza came ten minutes later and they ate watching the movie, Alice ended up sleeping to Max's chest, he didn't move to wake her


The next day as Max promised after his interview he took Alice out for lunch

"I will order traditional Dutch foods and you can taste from everything" Max said and the girl nodded

Max ordered to the waiter there in Dutch and then he turned to Alice

"I ordered the best options!" Max said and Alice giggled "I am a good person I know!"

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