Coming Closer

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Alice opened her eyes having a horrible headache, she had strong arms around her belly, she turned to watch Max sleeping peacefully next to her she touched his head, he was real

A smile appeared in his face started stroking his cheek

"Good Morning princess" Max opened his eyes "that's the best way to wake up"

Alice moved her hand away and Max placed his to her cheek

"Good Morning Max" Alice whispered feeling a bit awkward

"You okay?" Max whispered and Alice stood up

"We can't do this! I have to go back in my house" Alice took of Max's T-Shirt and she wore her dress from last night

"Calm down! We didn't do anything! You just slept in my room!" Max stood up as well "Why are you so afraid of being in love?"

"You will hurt me Max and I have never been in love before" Alice said and before she realised it Max kissed her lips with a little smile on his lips "Maybe I should"

Alice grabbed Max started kissing him passionately, Max sat on the bed placing Alice sit in his lap

"I want you" Max whispered between their kisses

"Shut up for a minute" Alice replied keep kissing Max

As she broke the kiss the Dutch faced her

"We will keep doing this if you think that you okay with that! I don't want you to be awkward" Max said and the young princess smiled

"I am not but I want you to promise me that you'll break up with Kelly" Alice said and Max nodded

"Yes princess!" The Dutch replied kissing Alice once again "also you will tell your father that it was late so I took you to my hotel and I slept on the floor and you in my bed!"

"Good excuse!" Alice said laughing "will you take me with you in the Netherlands?"

"Only because you asked me!" Max kissed her once again "but we'll tell King Philippe that you will sleep in another room! Not in mine!"

"But I'll sleep to yours!" Alice said and the Dutch nodded

"If you don't want-"

"I never said that!" Alice interrupted him "Also I am not drinking again!"

"Daniel gave you too many drinks and you aren't used to it!" Max kissed her head "I'll have a shower and then I'll drive you home, if you want brush your teeth with my toothbrush because you threw up last night"

Alice brush her teeth and Max took a shower and then he drove her back to her palace

"Look who is back" King Philippe said a bit madly "Max I told you bring her back"

"I'm sorry your majesty but it was late so I took her sleep in my room and I slept on the floor and she slept in my bed" Max said and the King nodded

"She is a grown man she knows how to take care of herself! I'm happy that you cared about her! I appreciate that Max" King Philippe said

"Dad, can I go in Max's race in the Netherlands?" Alice asked nervously and King giggled a bit

"As long as you two are just friends we are fine!" Philippe replied "You will decide that sweetheart! You are 20!"

"I will come and pick you up today at 7 PM!" Max replied and he bowed "Goodbye"

"Bye Max" King said and the Dutch walked away

Alice walked back in her room with a big smile in her face, the first thing she did was call Emma and tell her what happened

"We kissed" Alice said and Emma let a scream

"That's amazing! You two look cute together!" Emma replied

"You are lucky that my dad accepted you!" Alice answered

"My father is the biggest businessman in UK that's why he accepted me!" Emma sighed "But Max is an amazing person and I am sure that he loves you! Or he will love you with the time!"

"I feel so strange! I can't eat I want to be with him the whole time!" Alice said laughing

"You are in love with him!" Emma answered smiling

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