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The paparazzis didn't stop photographing Alice, the princess of Belgium, that she will attend the Belgian Grand Prix

The entrance of the paddocks was full of paparazzis and Alice's bodyguard did his job took helping her avoid them and walk until RedBull Racing garages

Alice was wearing wide jeans, white bodysuit, Dior butterfly sunglasses and white pumps, her first stop was to Max Verstappen's garage

"Princess Alice, this is Max Verstappen, has origin from Belgium! He drives for RedBull and he is leading the championship" Alice's secretary, Mary, said

"Your highness" Max bowed and he looked into Alice's hazel eyes

"Hello Max" Alice said and they had a handshake "Its so nice to meet you"

"It's so nice to meet you too princess" Max replied smiling

"You-You can call me Alice" The young princess replied looking into his turquoise eyes

"It's so nice to meet you Alice" The Dutch driver replied "I'm sorry" He shook his head coming back to the reality

"It's-It's okay" Alice was breathing heavily "I'm sorry, I got distracted... you-you have beautiful and rare eyes!"

"Thank you Alice! You have beautiful eyes as well" Max replied and the young princess blushed "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you blush!"

"It's okay" Alice replied "I wish you good luck for your race and I hope you'll win"

"Thank you so much! It means a lot" Max looked at the back for a second and then back at Alice "why you don't sit and enjoy my rave from my garage!"

"I will of course! Thanks!" Alice said nervously

"What will you do at night?" Max asked and Alice rolled her eyes pointed at Mary "oh yeah! Sorry I got distracted from your beauty"

"I'll blush again!" Alice replied laughing "I will enjoy the race from here"

As Alice promised she watched the race from Max's garage, he was leading the race and the young princess was smiling, the camera was on her for a second she gave a smile and a wave, the camera turned back to the race

Max won the race and Alice's bodyguard and Mary walked her to the podium because she would give the trophy to the winner, to Max

As she walked there the Dutch gave her a bow and winked at her, the wind was moving her blonde hair and she placed them behind her ear

"Congratulations Max" Alice said smiling and she walked away, the champagne spraying started and the three drivers started laughing

Princess's eyes were locked to Max and his handsome hands, she smiled and she walked closer to him, as he watched her he stopped turning to see her

"Princess" Max said smiling, the champagne sprayed stopped and Alice grabbed the champagne bottle from Max "Like you!"

Alice drink from the bottle of the champagne and the whole crowd were cheering for her, Max was clapping his hands looking at her

"Cheers Maxie" Alice gave the champagne back to Max and they walked away from the podium

"I didn't expect you in the podium drinking from the champagne bottle!" Max said laughing and the princess laughed as well

"Maxie Maxie! I am a normal person just you! I'm just royal!" Alice said smiling "I don't drink that much alcohol"

"How old are you?" Max asked

"20" Alice replied proudly

"So you were born in 2002!" Max said and the Belgian princess nodded

A tall brown hair woman walked to them giving Max a hug, she is probably his girlfriend, the girl kissed him and Max felt awkward and he turned to Alice

Alice was feeling a mess, she feels like she actually likes Max, a strange feeling of loneliness and sadness appeared in her stomach

"Ehm..." Max was totally awkward "Princess Alice, this is my-my girlfriend her name is Kelly"

"Nice to meet you Princess" Kelly said bowing, the women usually curtsies in front of a princess

"Nice to meet you too" Alice almost whispered

"Kelly you have to curtsy in front of the princess!" Max said and Kelly looked at him with her eyebrow raised and she walked away, the Dutch sighed and he looked at the princess "Sorry about her"

"You don't need to apologise" Alice said smiling "she probably doesn't like her boyfriend talk with other girls!"

"She becomes jealous a lot" Max sighed

"Princess" Mary appeared and she curtsied "We have to leave for the Palace, Max will come later for dinner"

"Really?" Alice asked smiling looking at Max

"Yes!" The Dutch said laughing "I'll see you soon my princess" Max kissed Alice's hand and he walked away

"You have to tell me everything!" Mary said and she walked away with Alice and the bodyguard to the car

Mary is 27 years old and Alice's closest friend, she knows everything about her life

"Tell me" Mary whispered to Alice in the car

"He's amazing" Alice whispered looking down "maybe I like him a bit but he has a girlfriend"

"Do what your heart says! Did you watch his face when you smiled about the dinner?" Mary asked "His face brightened!"

"He's handsome" Alice replied and her heart started beating fast

"I can hear your heart says that you want him to fuck you like crazy!" Mary said and Alice rolled her eyes "you are 20 and still a virgin!"

"Let's hope that he'll take that" Alice replied looking out of the window

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