Chapter 2: Kota Suna

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It's the end of the day, and Aiki couldn't help but let out a huge sigh of relief.

The whole day has been a chaos. Everyone's interest is still at the new kid that they didn't even bat an eye to the teachers, the attention even made the new student slightly uncomfortable and asked the others to start paying attention to class or respect the teacher.

Of course, with English like that compared to half of his class here with 5% knowledge of speaking the language. Not even half of them listened and continue on being a disturbance to the new kid.

Thankfully the ones who does listen to the English classes respected the new kid's request and had went back to their seats.

Its not like they're being an exaggeration disturbance to the whole class, but most of their attention is to the new kid. They would give him half of their lunches, pile his desk with notebooks of notes in each subject, and even fought to be his partner at gym class.

At the end, new kid decided to do sit-ups alone, much to the girls amazement and to the boys disbeliefs that new kid didn't even bat a sweat at each exercise performed.

Aiki roughly combed his hair to get rid of the knots as he went toward the shoe lockers to change his indoor ones to the outdoors. He had already done his part of cleaning and is now going home early, he has not join a single club to be left behind.

"Oh hey there!"

That accent and English language alone made Aiki sighed for the second time "may I help you Suna-san?" he asked English and in a unfazed tone

The new kid, Suna, just smiled politely at him as he approached Aiki in such grace that made the passerby girls swoon and probably melt as they pass them. "You understand English?" New student asked with a curious tilt of his head

"Slightly fluent. I'm learning for the sake of my hobby." Aiki answered him as he turn his whole body around so he's face to face with the new student "I ask again. May I help you with something Suna-san?"

New student slightly scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile "uhm. I'm sure you have realized that not much in our class knew English yet, and I'm simply asking if I could get a tour..." he trailed off, looking like he's nervous upon asking such request

Are you kidding-

"Why not ask Aiko-san?" Aiki said as his grip on the strap of his bag tighten a little as if he's holding back the urge to make a sassy comment out of this. It's Monday, his class is making a loud fuss over a international new student, and now said international new student is asking him for a tour all because he knows English

Which makes sense in anyways. But the fact he is already done this day and his classmate Aiko literally knows how to speak English well as him. If its any day, he would've just accepted it and treat this new kid nicely as usual.

But It's Monday and all he wants is to go to bed, not to tour the sole reason of the problem that created his headache

"Who's Aiko?" The new kid blinked at him in confusion and tilted his head comically more

...ah, right.


And that's how he ended up walking around the school and introducing the new student to all the contents inside it.

They started at the first floor indoors. Which is where the first year classes are, faculty, garden area, direction of the bathrooms, storage rooms, library and introducing him to the first floor clubs.

New kid made a mixture of disturbed and baffled look on his face at the sight of the occult club room and the members. Aiki had to hide his snort. They seemed to be more dark and scary than last year.

On the second floor is where the second year classrooms are (and theirs), the science lab, art lab, computer lab, and etc labs. The clubs here certainly got the new kid's interest than the first floor one.

"There's an art club?" the art club is likely the most interest that got new student's attention

Now that Aiki realizes It, the art lab also got the new kid's attention earlier.

"Yes. Are you interested in joining? Although it is still disband due to no one assisting to be the leader after the last one got suspended." Which Aiki is still curious of since a lot has taken interest in arts yet no one seemed to be interested on becoming the leader after that little accident with the last one

"Thats a shame. What did the leader do?" New kid asked

"He didn't do anything, but he did got framed from a lot of stuff. He dropped out just a year ago before school ended." Aiki furrowed his brows a little, feeling a little down at the thought of the last art club president. That guy didn't deserve it

New guy seemed to understand there's still an unsolvable tension between the school and the last art club leader so he stayed silent as they walk towards the third floor.


"And that's all you need to see." Aiki declared as they end up at the school gate, Aiki had given the new student and actual tour at the whole school from in to out. And even went far as to go back to each club and introduce the new student to the club presidents just in case if new guy wanted to join a club.

Same goes to the teachers and staff, luckily most of them speak and understand English so that new kid would have to rely and trust somebody else other than him.

"That was such a fun tour! I'm sorry to burden and waste your time on me like this. But I promise to treat you back someday!" The new guy gave him a smile of appreciation and admiration (Aiki doesn't know if that is towards him or to the school that he showed)

"It is no problem. You don't really need to pay me pack or anything..." He replied with a slight lazy tone, already draining his last social energy for the day. He checked his phone and confirmed it is around late 5, no wonder the sky is now orange that was once blue earlier

"I need to go home now. If ya have any problems in the school just approach any staff or teachers nearby." he told him with a lazy wave and small polite bow before passing by him, "will do!" He heard from the new kid when he passed by him and the sound of footsteps at the opposite direction could be heard.

Aiki ponders in his mind on the way home.

Kota Suna. A pretty guy that already pulled a lot of admirers by just existing... German and has a nice voice.

It's weird how that guy already trusted him to be his tour guy despite only making short eye contact, engaged on a small talk, and then nothing else after that. There's a lot of other quiet and reliable classmates around other than him, so why he chose to chase after Aiki?

Was it because they're seatmates at the back?

Or the fact that Aiki isn't one of the guys that pestered him during class? (He debunked this choice later on)

Whatever the reason is, Aiki didn't care much since that new kid already caused him a headache today by doing nothing but attract loud fans

And he's sure that Suna will be with them until the end of this school year...

Suna is weird. But I cannot judge him, we just met and that guy seems genuinely nice. Its too bad that he get to have these types of my thoughts in Monday.

I'll just rest it off and hopefully won't think like this tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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