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And there I saw him. Those beautiful, angelic green eyes that stare back at me. Two jade colored orbs look at me, and I can't do anything but smile. He has lips the color of Cupid, which turn up at the corners when he sees me smile at him. His gorgeous, round face is sprinkled with perfect dots. His lovely, warm cheeks are dusted with blush, and it only helps his marks stick out more. I put a hand on his perfect face, covering half of his freckled cheek, and look once more at his flawless face. Staring at it is like gazing up at the most beautiful stars in the night sky. A lock of his curly, soft hair touches the back of my hand. Those silky coils smell like home every time I hug him. I look at John Laurens, my John, and I can't help but smile. All of his perfect features, and that lovely way he says my name. I wish, my dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you.

Authors Note: This is how I think love is when you are deeply in love with someone. I have never been in love, I just make really good guesses. This one is shown through the love of Lams, which is a ship that I love whole heartedly. Not the actual founding fathers. Even though there's evidence to show that Ham and Laurens had a thing for each other, the last sentence is literally part of a letter from Ham to Laurens. This one was really hard to do so I hope its ok!

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