Chapter 13: it was show and tell day at the dojo

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They all wake up and get ready for the day bob heads to work and does his job of inventing new toys for dogs and bingo and Rolly go and open their own dojo and say today is show and tell day at the dojo I hope everyone remembered it was today and not weeks from now they both say to each other as they unpack there bags and waits for the students to come in to make sure everyone is there they all go on a checklist of everyone's names of the list if they are here of course, they both say today is show and tell day I hope you brought something to show and tell, everyone whispers oh man I forgot to at least one dog so far forgot I'm glad the rest remembered and they start showing off their toys and how it works for the time it's a random student turn and shows there dog toy and says it's very special to me because my owner made it for me  bingo says to Rolly I feel like I know this one for some reason but I can't put my paw on it you'll figure it out I'm sure Rolly says back yeah your right I'm sure next please bingo says to the class the last one of the day is another random dog they are show and tell this hole for some reason and wonders why, that's a strange show and tell if I've seen more than one for sure they both say to each other and then the bell rings for lunch& they get there lunch out and eats it what's the plan for the rest of the day both ask each other they both say I don't know we will think of something though, they both eat and thinks of something to do after lunch.

2 hours later 

They all come back to the dojo for their next Leason, but both don't have a plan so not sure what to do they have to think of something for the class or it will be boring for them to sit in the room for no reason yeah asks the class what they want to do for the rest of the day the whole class says free time to work on their moves for a upcoming final both say to each other, ok class you can have free time for today because we can't think of something else to do so the both relax and wait till it's time for them to go home for the day it's kind of like a study hall but for pets that can play around the dojo till it's over there owners just got out of school so it means that the dojo is now closed bell rings and everyone packs there things up for the day.

Back home   

They all made it back home just before dinner was ready, they both relaxed will bob made anna dinner sense they both take turns cooking for each other because that's what married couples does bob makes his special home food for both him and anna, then bob pours their food in their food bowl and they both go and eat the dog food it was so good they all relax some more before everyone heads for a walk with everyone both bingo and Rolly get excited bob puts there leash's on and walks out the door with all 3 pets bingo Rolly and Lollie they all enjoy the walk very much they look around to see if they can find any wild critters they all saw a deer cross the road and all bark at it the others must be hiding because of the cold weather bob says to the pets they understand kind of because they have a dog coat so they can't fully feel the weather change in the area, they did the loop and heads back with the pets and unleashes them as they get inside they all get all cuddled up on the coach, Lollie and others are cuddling them because its cold makes sense bob says as they all bark happily, they then get up and Stright and get up on the floor because its hot on the dog fur and falls back asleep on the floor for a little bit as bob finishes watching his show on tv then they all see bob heading upstairs and follows him upstairs but quietly because bobjr is asleep, they both follow bob into his room and gets into their pjs and gets into their bed and falls asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow same for the pets all where wore out for sure, bob says I think we wore them out at night to as he reads a book to fall asleep he keeps turning pages and on the last page he falls asleep on the book and don't remember doing it, he wakes up because his neck was hurting from the way he was sleeping and gets up for a minute then fixes his neck and falls back asleep the right way this time so his neck won't hurt him for the to come  day , then he try's and fall back asleep but then hears bobjr crying and checks on him, he's ok I think bob says I'm not sure how he works and he falls asleep again.

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