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I woke up to the sound of bill on the phone, anger in his tone. I groaned lowly, pushing the pillow up to my ears, hoping to drift off to sleep again. It didn't work as his yelling got louder, whoever he was arguing with I feel bad for. I gave up soon after, sitting up, stretching my arms out above my head. I rolled out of the sheets, sinking my feet into the soft carpet below, gaining my balance. I stood up before stumbling over to the drawers, pulling out a soft cardigan. For some reason it was always cold here, he really needs to put the heating on.

I yawned as I walked out into the corridor, looking down below. I lay my eyes on a red haired woman, her skin as pale as bills and her eyes just as dark. He wasn't on the phone in fact he was arguing face to face, I got chills up my spine when she looked up. She stared straight at me, alerting bill.

"Someone brought a snack" she grinned.

"don't even think about it, Valerie" he scowled, crossing his arms.

"Whatever, I'll see you at 9pm" she spoke, rolling her eyes.

I watched carefully as she left before walking down the stairs, meeting bill.

"Who was that" I frowned.

"What did I say about getting in my business" he tutted, walking into the lounge.

"is she your girlfriend?" I asked, following him.

"Stop asking me fucking questions." He scoffed, pushing me into the wall.

I sighed at his response, leaving his harsh grasp, slumping down onto the couch. I don't know who that woman is but she said something about 9pm, bill must be meeting her. If there was a chance I could escape successfully it would be tonight, yeah bill is stunning but he's unpredictable and a vampire. Not really my dream guy and being cooped up all the time isn't how I want to live my life, I spent all that money on my new house just to get it taken away. Going to mine will be too obvious for now so I'll try to stay somewhere else if I can, if not I'll have to take the risk.

I headed into the kitchen, taking a little glance at the back door, no extra locks. Nice, now I just need to find the key. Hopefully bill goes out for a cigarette, then I'll know. I quickly moved towards the kettle as he came into the kitchen, I didn't want to raise any suspicion.
I filled up the small black kettle and flicked it on, waiting for it to heat up as I placed a tea bag in a cup. I sprinkled some sugar, staring at the little light, awaiting for it to go off.

"I'll be out tonight for around an hour, can I trust you to be alone?" Bill questioned, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, where am I going to go?" I laughed, nervously.

"you better stick to your words y/n." He smiled, kissing my cheek.

I nodded, pouring the boiling hot water into my cup, stirring it for awhile. Once the tea had separated from the tea bag I added some milk and sat down near the kitchen table, grabbing a magazine. I swiped through it , finding some cute decor that would compliment my room, if I ever get back there.

I lay back on the couch, watching bill as he put on his leather jacket. My heart racing like crazy, this needs to work. Luckily he went out for a cigarette earlier on so I know where the key is, now I just need to wait until he leaves.

"Right I'll be off now, don't try anything" he smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

I hugged him back weakly as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips before heading towards the front door, I pretended to watch the tv but really listened to each lock being undone. Once he had shut the front door, I waited for a moment before running upstairs. I swung open the bedroom door, throwing on some jeans and a jumper, putting on some brown boots after. I grabbed my bag from under the bed, quickly packing everything inside, wasting no time. I remembered my photos last minute, tossing them inside of the large white bag, I needed them.

After I'd packed everything I looked around for Jasper, noticing him laying on a small table downstairs, I placed the bag on top of my shoulder and picked up Jasper. I held him tight in my arms before running into the kitchen, looking for the gold key.

"Fuck" I yelled, realising he took it.

I wasn't giving up, I checked all of the windows downstairs but they had locks so I wondered upstairs and luckily found out that the bathroom one didn't have a lock.

"Don't worry I've got you" I reassured , looking down at Jasper.

I carefully crawled out of the window, immediately getting hit by a strong gust of wind, making me wobble slightly. I gripped onto the side of the house and stood on top of the little hang over, looking down. The jump wasn't too high so I threw my bag down first before carefully placing Jasper down, he seemed unbothered. I took in a deep breath as I sat on the edge of the hang over, my legs dangling off. I turned my body around and held on to the bricks, only a few feet from the ground now. I didn't think about it and let go, hitting the ground with a thud.

I winced at the pain in my thighs, they took the most impact. Jasper rubbed against my arm, reminding me that we had no time to waste. I struggled as I got up, throwing my bag back over my sore shoulder, picking Jasper up once again. I looked ahead of me and saw nothing but darkness, I had no source of light so it was just go for it or die.

I began walking into the woods, squinting my eyes so that I could see a little. Hearing the leafs and twigs below me, silence if not for them. I had no idea how far bills house was from the nearest road but it couldn't be far, otherwise I wouldn't be able to hear the muffled music from the town. I used it to guide me through the dark woods, not stopping for anything.

My eyes lit up when I saw the road, my house next to it.

The whisper in the winter.|| BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now