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   Cheong-san grabbed On-jos hand. we were all in a sort of straight line, looking at the armed men.
"alright, load onto the chopper." one man said. I could tell he was being yelled at by my father.
"wait, you cant even take a few of us?" Cheong-san asked.
He put his gun into the air and let out some firing shots. we all covered our ears and ducked. Su-hyeok put his body over me. Protecting me?

"im begging, just take a few of us with you." Cheong-sans grip on On-jos hand got tighter.
the man let out more shots to the sky. we all flinched again. the rest of his men had got onto the helicopter by now. he slowly backed up and hooked himself. "im sorry. Stay alive." He said, being raised into the chopper. We all watch as he gets lifted up. the helicopter started to fly away. we all slowly got up and stood, watching as our last hope flew away.

the light to the chopper was still on as it flew away. it was leading the zombies away from the school. the least they could do for us after abandoning us.

"they left us. no one is coming to save us now." Hyo-ryung cried out.
"but why did they do that?" Cheong-san asked.
"they thought we were infected. my father told them to leave us, shoot if we disobeyed." I bawled my fists.
"they would have killed us. they wouldnt have left us alive if they thought we were zombies though." Joon-yeong said. Cheong-san walked over to the fire, kicking it and sending the flames everywhere. On-jo grabbed his arm, trying to stop him.
"what are you doing?"
"it's pointless. no one is coming anymore." Cheong-san went to the 'SOS' sign and kicked that too. he let out a scream and put his hands to his face.

it started to thunder outside. I jumped a bit at the sound of thunder, i have always hated it ever since i was young.
Nam-ra fell to the ground. i grab her arms and looked at her, Su-hyeok stood behind me.
"whats wrong?" i asked
"my ears, they hurt so bad." Nam-ra groaned out, holding her hands over her ears. I looked around then at my shirt. i was gonna rip it till Su-hyeok put a hand on my shoulder.
"you rip your shirt anymore, you wont have one to wear." He said with a chuckle. he ripped his shirt a bit and handed me the clothe. i smiled a bit and took them, rolling them up and putting them in Nam-ras ears.
"thank you, both of you." Nam-ra said with a small nod.

everyone was sitting down when i heard dae-su, "its raining, guys! yes, its raining!" the others slowly stood up and put their hands out for the rain. i cross my arms, holding myself. i was a bit annoyed. Su-hyeok took his jacket off and held it above my head, keeping me dry from the rain.

It was pouring out, Dae-su and Wu-jin lay together on the rooftop while laughing. the others were opening their mouths for some water. everyone started to slowly cry. i wasn't exactly sure why but in a way, i understood. I grab Su-hyeoks hands and put them down. i was now getting soaked from the rain too. Su-hyeok put the jacket back on and smiled down at me. Hes starting to grow on me, its sickening. i smiled at my thought and looked over to Nam-ra, who was still sitting on the ground. She had her hands over her ears still but wasnt groaning in pain anymore.

We all moved to a part of the roof that had coverage. if we stayed out in the cold rain for to long someone was bound to get sick.
"you guys remember how the zombies follow us if they hear us, right?" Cheong-san looked at everyone. "maybe if we move every time theres thunder, they wont be able to." he cleared his throat, "i don't think anyone is coming to save us. wouldn't you rather die trying to get out than die here?"
"alright then, what do you have in mind?" Joon-yeong asked.
"if we take the back door of the auditorium to the tennis courts and then go right through the english center, we can get to the mountain." Cheong-san pointed. we all followed his finger and looked out.
"if we manage to reach the mountain, we can make it all the way to YangDong. i have been hiking there a few times with my dad." On -jo said.
"even still. isn't this suicide?" Wu-jin asked.
"doesn't matter, im not going. im scared." Hyo-ryung looked at all of us a bit. "what are we gonna do if the zombies catch us?"
"its not like anyone is going to save us if we stay here." i spoke up. "we're the only ones who can save ourselves." i nod at Cheong-san. He nodded back and stood in front of us all. "lets go. if the zombies catch up then ill take one."
"dont say that shit." I quickly replied.
"we're all gonna make it." Su-hyeok said, placing a hand on my back and looking at Cheong-san.
"if anyone had to die tonight, it will be me." Cheong-san said firmly. I glared at him, i had made myself a promise and i wasn't gonna break it.

"because of the rain, all the scents came to me at once. they got mixed up. the rain is really loud too." Nam-ra spoke up, looking up at Cheong-san. "im sure the zombies senses are even more dulled."
"if thats what the half-bie says, it should be reliable." Dae-su said.
"a half-bie?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"a half zomb..." he looked at me then nam-ra, "someone you can rely on. you guys ready?" Dae-su looked away. "Nam-ras strong, she will keep up, so lets go."
"im not strong right now." Nam-ra was looking at her hands.
"why not?" Ji-min asked.
"i... i dont know." Nam-ra replied quietly.
Ji-min slowly looked up at Cheong-san. "i think some of us might not be able to keep pace."
"no one can fall behind. lets pair up and hold hands. for protection." Cheong-san said with a nod to On-jo.
"okay!" Dae-su said, reaching his hand out to Hyo-ryung. she looked at him then looked at Ji-min who took her hand. Dae-su looked over at On-jo and Cheong-san who were paired.
"stay close to me. let's survive tonight." Cheong-san said as they walked away. He looked at Wu-jin and Joon-yeong who were paired up and walking away too. He lastly looked at Nam-ra, Su-hyeok and I. He reached his hand out for anyone to take. I -with a sigh- took his hand. "come on, moron."
Su-hyeok frowned a bit as Nam-ra grabbed his hand. his jaw then clenched when seeing mine and Dae-su's hands together. I looked at Su-hyeok and gave him a small, simple smile. It shocked him but he got over not being paired with me pretty quickly.

we all walked to the doors, taking a deep breathe in and slowly opening one. We all walked into the school, slowly. Cheong-san and On-jo in the front, Dae-su and I in the back. I closed the door behind me and turned to face the stairs. my breathing got caught as i remembered Gwi-nam choking me against the wall right in front of me. it seemed like forever ago now. I put my free hand to my neck and my fingertips brush against my bruises.

we continue down the stairs slowly. everyone has some sort of wooden stick in their free hand. we were making our way down every staircase, until we got to the first floor with zombies eating a dead one. The thunder boomed and all the zombies got riled up and ran away down the hall. we slowly walked against the wall and one pair at a time ran across the hall to the front doors.

we all crouch run to the small plants by the doors. it had a small ledge that we could lean against and the zombies wouldnt notice us.
Cheong-san said something to On-jo who then shook her head. she raised her fist, which shook cheong-san up. she then said something to him which he seemed to like more. she put her hand on his, which confirmed we were gonna do whatever her plan was.
"go along the wall." Cheong-san whispered to Wu-jin who then whispered to the rest of the group. We all slowly got up and jumped over the small ledge. we ran against the wall and some plants. there was just enough room for us. we kept running against the wall until we took a small corner. it was where Su-hyeok and i were earlier. we has to run by this place to get to the ladder in the front.

we crouched behind a truck that had crashed into the school. there was a bunch of pipes on the ground as well, probably falling off of the truck from impact.
"ill go first." Dae-su let go of my hand and crawled under the truck, Joon-yeong and Wu-jin following after him. Cheong-san looked up from the truck and froze. he slowly stood up and stared at some zombie lady who wore a yellow apron.
"mom?..." Cheong-san let out. the women ran at cheong-san but was stopped by the truck in front of her.

╰┈➤ 𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧 'ˎ˗
✎ i need to start watching it again and writing chapters 😓 (i watch many episodes and just quick write chapters this way i can post said chapters whenever and i have time to edit them. i only have one more chapter pre-written 😫)

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